csscomb / sublime-csscomb

Sublime plugin for CSScomb—CSS coding style formatter
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csscomb.json not work #14

Closed redrbrt closed 9 years ago

redrbrt commented 10 years ago

Hi, i configured the csscomb.json following your instructions and its work nice, i modified the settings for me, but the next day the configuration stop working, any idea what happend?

sephorra commented 10 years ago

I've had a similar issue, i had it all working then the json file and even the user/default settings in package settings in sublime are not applied, it is using some other settings, not sure where it is getting them from.

UPDATE: I ended up removing the package, reinstalling and re-creating my settings in sublime and it all started working again fine.

craigmdennis commented 10 years ago

I had the same issue but reinstalling had no effect. I looked in the default options and noticed the parent JSON property was "config" : { } so I wrapped my csscomb.json with that and now everything works as expected.

lukebrooker commented 9 years ago

I've tried wrapping in "config" : { } and still can't get it to use my .csscomb.json. I have one in my project and in my home directory.

davidtheclark commented 9 years ago

Custom .csscomb.json also doesn't work for me. Reinstalling had no effect, nor did adding "config" property. This bug renders the plugin pretty much useless, right? Seems like a vital issue.

LukeAskew commented 9 years ago

I'm having the same issue as well. Settings can be read from user settings, but not from .csscomb.json in project root.

On ST3

saneef commented 9 years ago

Same problem with me. Using .csscomb.json on project root on ST3.

jblandry commented 9 years ago

+1 ... Please fix :(

Nevon commented 9 years ago

I think the issue is documented here. Basically, using the built in getConfig from CSSComb doesn't work.

chernetsov0 commented 9 years ago

process.cwd() CSScomb uses to get the idea where the file is returns /Applications/Sublime Text.app/Contents/MacOS on my Mac.

Fixed in #49.

tonyganch commented 9 years ago

49 is merged into master