csscomb / sublime-csscomb

Sublime plugin for CSScomb—CSS coding style formatter
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Not using config if CSS file not saved #23

Closed hudochenkov closed 9 years ago

hudochenkov commented 10 years ago

If create new tab in ST3 and not save file on disk, then try to sort CSS in this tab — CSSComb will ignore ~/.csscomb.json and sort with default config. But if /Users/aleks/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/CSScomb JS.sublime-settings has option "custom_config_path": "/Users/aleks/.csscomb.json" it's work fine. (BTW, "custom_config_path": "~/.csscomb.json" throw error.)


nelsonpecora commented 9 years ago

Yeah, I seem to be having the same error. I have the same .csscomb.json file in my home directory and the project root, and neither seem to be working:

    "remove-empty-rulesets": true,
    "always-semicolon": true,
    "color-case": "lower",
    "block-indent": "  ",
    "color-shorthand": true,
    "element-case": "lower",
    "eof-newline": true,
    "leading-zero": false,
    "quotes": "single",
    "sort-order-fallback": "abc",
    "sort-order": [
      ], [
    "space-before-colon": "",
    "space-after-colon": " ",
    "space-before-combinator": " ",
    "space-after-combinator": " ",
    "space-between-declarations": "\n",
    "space-before-opening-brace": " ",
    "space-after-opening-brace": "\n",
    "space-after-selector-delimiter": "\n",
    "space-before-selector-delimiter": "",
    "space-before-closing-brace": "\n",
    "strip-spaces": true,
    "tab-size": true,
    "unitless-zero": true,
    "vendor-prefix-align": true

EDIT: I can tell that it's finding the .csscomb.json file in my home directory if I manually specify it, so there might also be a bug with sort-order-fallback...

tonyganch commented 9 years ago

The issue should be fixed in 1.2.0