cssearcy / AYS-R-Coding-SPR-2020

Coding in R for Policy Analytics
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Error in shiny unused argument #29

Open adeelfarooqi93 opened 3 years ago

adeelfarooqi93 commented 3 years ago

I have a problem with my inputId. Can't understand why I can't name it. Error in shiny::selectInput(InputId = "type", label = h3("Collision Type:"), : unused argument (InputId = "type") The code is shiny::selectInput(InputId = "type", label=h3("Collision Type:"), choices= c("Rear End", "ANGLE-Front To Side-Other Than Left Turn)", "Sideswipe Same Direction", "Head On", "Left Turn", "Single Vehicle", "Unknown"), selected = "Head On")

Help needed!

jamisoncrawford commented 3 years ago

Hi @adeelfarooqi93 - sorry for the delay!

I spotted the bug immediately as it's not uncommon. The arguments are case sensitive and input ID should be inputId =, rather than InputId =. Let me know if that helps!