cssinjs / istf-spec

Interoperable Style Transfer Format [DRAFT]
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Add special cases for single-argument functions url() and calc() #30

Closed kitten closed 6 years ago

kitten commented 6 years ago

We discovered that both url() and calc() are rather special as CSS functions.

kof commented 6 years ago

Regarding url(): we can remove that "optional" quotes mess and say that ISTF expects the quotes. This way it becomes just a string.

kof commented 6 years ago

Regarding calc(): the question is, do we need each argument separately? Do we need to be able to do any processing on it after ISTF?

kitten commented 6 years ago

@kof It's actually quite easy to resolve this on a tokenisation level. One constraint for parentheses is that they must follow a word, e.g. url(...) is WORD, PAREN, ..., PAREN

In between we can just say that for url and calc everything is a string, even if the quotes are missing. This will make parsing it really easy

I think for calc btw it makes sense to just treat it like a string and not parse everything out. We don't need the differentiation, and most users won't. We can wait for someone to request this :P

kof commented 6 years ago

It's actually quite easy to resolve this on a tokenisation level.

Exactly, so we don't have to deal with it in ISTF. We can just expect always a quoted string if it is a url.

    [FUNCTION_START, 'url'],
      [VALUE, '"http://www.example.org/image"']

In between we can just say that for url and calc everything is a string

Nope, there are potentially other types as well. https://developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/Web/CSS/url See the difference between URL and URI and argument can be both. I didn't find though what names could be used. Clear is CSS 2 is cooking something there. Similar to what is possible as a value in "content" property

kof commented 6 years ago

calc(), lets research if it may contain any value that may require vendor prefixing.

kitten commented 6 years ago

Good point! http://caniuse.com/#feat=calc

Edit: Seems to be confirmed by stylis, which is not prefixing it: https://codesandbox.io/s/0V6xOOMyN

kof commented 6 years ago

By prefixing I ment arguments prefixing. Function name prefixing can be handled now already, because it is a separate value.

kof commented 6 years ago

Another question: if we want to allow using js variables as arguments we also need to destructure them.

kof commented 6 years ago

See for e.g. attr() function: https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#attr-notation . It's 2nd argument is fallback which is a CSS value, which might potentially need processing.

kof commented 6 years ago

Ideally, if we want to be able to handle 100% of situations, we need to fully destructure values.

kof commented 6 years ago

If we would destructure the css function call arguments, we would need markers for math operators. Interestingly, the spec links "+" and "-" operators to selector combinators page. I understand from that that we can reuse our combinators for math.

kitten commented 6 years ago

It's 2nd argument is fallback which is a CSS value, which might potentially need processing.

But we don't really have any specific parsing for them, right? We don't really have to care about what they are, since we are not the ones processing them in the browser. We're just the ones assembling a CSS blob.

Ideally, if we want to be able to handle 100% of situations, we need to fully destructure values.

That is possibly true.

Why don't we go for the minimum right now, and don't think about this until v2 of the spec. We'll see whether people will actually need it. Because I'm pretty sure we don't.

kof commented 6 years ago

But we don't really have any specific parsing for them, right? We don't really have to care about what they are, since we are not the ones processing them in the browser. We're just the ones assembling a CSS blob.

Well, I think performance of parsing no matter where, server or browser, is one of the major points of the format. Think of runtime parsing for dynamic stuff.

Why don't we go for the minimum right now, and don't think about this until v2 of the spec. We'll see whether people will actually need it. Because I'm pretty sure we don't.

Maybe, though you just discovered one bad thing I had - no additional quotes for the url() function argument. This would lead to a breaking change in the future. So we should still at least try to look into this I think. Maybe it is not that hard and we also can ask for some help from CSS spec maintainers.

kitten commented 6 years ago

@kof Yea, for now I'm adding an argument token for functions inside the tokenizer to make this work. But on the spec layer having VALUE and COMPOUND_VALUE inside them is a potential problem.

Not for url() though, because it's not a problem parsing that as a single VALUE containing the URL as a value. calc is the big problem here.

However, if we'd like to parse separate arguments we'd need to be aware of all functions and their potential data types and we'd need to add all data types as well. That's a really deep rabbit hole: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Types

kof commented 6 years ago

Yeah, lets see if we can get a more generic DSL without maintaining the list of types.

evan-scott-zocdoc commented 6 years ago

How about attr()? https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/attr

kitten commented 6 years ago

@evan-scott-zocdoc that one’s fine and covered by the ISTF spec.

The tokeniser in the reference parser I’m working on already handles calc and url using special logic too.

Since we are now supporting strings and can just use values for the rest, this issue can be closed, @kof