cssinjs / styled-jss

Styled Components on top of JSS.
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Babel plugin for displayName to display properly in react dev tools #25

Open kof opened 7 years ago

kof commented 7 years ago

There is one for glamorous https://www.npmjs.com/package/babel-plugin-glamorous-displayname

I think we should create a new one and make it configurable.

lttb commented 7 years ago

I think that we can add this feature to babel-plugin-styled-jss, so as not to produce a lot of babel-plugins for styled-jss for base needs. I see babel-plugin-styled-jss as a set of configurable tools and helpers for styled-jss provided by babel (displayName, syntax sugar like template strings, sourcemaps etc.).

Maybe we can make one like babel-plugin-styled and support other libs, but I can't say for sure yet

kof commented 7 years ago

you still have to maintain some code for this, would be better to have a configurable one, because its easy and the for e.g. use it inside of your babel-plugin-styled.

kof commented 7 years ago

A PR will be accepted https://github.com/bernard-lin/babel-plugin-glamorous-displayname/issues/5#issuecomment-303074244