cssinjs / theming

Unified CSSinJS theming solution for React
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Update dependencies to support react@16.0.0 #43

Closed damianobarbati closed 6 years ago

damianobarbati commented 6 years ago

As title says! :)

kof commented 6 years ago

I think we should not have react in dependencies at all, it should be peerDependencies

kof commented 6 years ago

@iamstarkov do you know why we use it in dependencies?

hburrows commented 6 years ago

ThemeProvider extends React.Component... otherwise React is only needed for the tests. So... I think it's needed as a dependency.

I created a branch and updated the dependencies to the latest version and updated enzyme to use its adapter (enzyme-adapter-react-16). All the tests are passing. The only issues are:

kof commented 6 years ago

ThemeProvider extends React.Component... otherwise React is only needed for the tests. So... I think it's needed as a dependency.

No, tests need devDependency, code needs peerDependency, they both can co-exist.

hburrows commented 6 years ago

That's correct. I was thinking peerDependency but wrote dependency. I need another cup of coffee!!

hburrows commented 6 years ago

@kof What needs to be done to get someone to pay attention to this? I'm happy to help out but can only do so if the maintainers are receptive. I see all the great work you're trying to do with react-jss but not keeping up with the latest version of React sends a bad signal and having a critical dependency on a project that appears abandoned doubles the concern. You can always fork this project if the maintainers have no interest in keeping it current.

hburrows commented 6 years ago

@iamstarkov @oliviertassinari I'm happy to help make this repo compatible with React 16. Please let me know how I can contribute. @oliviertassinari don't you care about this for material-ui v1 ?

oliviertassinari commented 6 years ago

@hburrows Material-UI doesn't rely on the package.

hburrows commented 6 years ago

@oliviertassinari material-ui v1-beta depends on react-jss@7.2.0 and that package dependents on theming@1.1.0. Doesn't that mean material-ui indirectly depends on theming? Maybe I'm misunderstanding something.... but when I build my project using react-jss with react 16 I end up with 2 version of react - 16 and 15.6.2.

oliviertassinari commented 6 years ago

@hburrows Right, Material-UI indirectly dependent on this package at the installation time, nothing at the runtime.

@kof I think that the best path going forward is to remove this dependency from react-jss. Allowing more flexibility and ownership on this critical part of the styling solution.

hburrows commented 6 years ago

@oliviertassinari Thanks for the quick response. I get what you're saying. From react-jss I use JssProvider, SheetsRegistry, and injectSheet. When I build using React 16 I get 2 versions of React - maybe JssProvider or SheetsRegistry is the culprit (I'll investigate their dependencies). I'm using JssProvider and SheetsRegistry to create printable versions of pages -- something I would continue to do with material-ui v1 unless you're providing an alternative way of getting styles after calling ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup.

@kof I'm 👍 to removing theming as a react-jss dependency and taking ownership of it directly. That would at least allow me to fork theming without also having to fork react-jss to work around this until an alternative is found.

kof commented 6 years ago

Theming is a separate package for a reason. It is a common effort from multiple cssinjs projects in order to unify theming. It is used by emotion and the plan was we all agreed upon to use it in styled-components and glamorous and hopefully more.

I guess the problem here is that nobody did the work of migrating as of right now.

I have publishing rights in this package, so I will fix this at some point if nobody else does. In the meantime everyone is free to fork both projects and use them temporarily.

oliviertassinari commented 6 years ago

@kof I can't see the win for react-jss. I'm very grateful to @iamstarkov for sharing his implementation. This saved me a lot of time with implementing a custom version for Material-UI. I have soon reached the limitation of the abstraction. By the way, I have opened three issues to provide feedback on those limitations. This plan doesn't seem to move forward (while the importance of any problem tends to increase over time):

I think that it's time to move on, it's just my humble opinion.

kof commented 6 years ago

I will try to get the admin rights for the repo and add more people so we can all move it forward. Otherwise we will just fork and move forward.

iamstarkov commented 6 years ago

i'll take care of everything

iamstarkov commented 6 years ago

i moved repo to cssinjs org

iamstarkov commented 6 years ago

so @kof is the admin now

iamstarkov commented 6 years ago

and ask him to add active contributors

iamstarkov commented 6 years ago

i think i cant handle long term oss, and im deeply sorry for you. i wish i would delegate the project earlier

kof commented 6 years ago

Don't worry @iamstarkov, get better and come back any time.

hburrows commented 6 years ago

@kof Submitted a PR (https://github.com/cssinjs/theming/pull/45) to upgrade dependencies and make compatible with React 16.