cssjcai / hihca

Code for our ICCV 2017 paper "Higher-order Integration of Hierarchical Convolutional Activations for Fine-grained Visual Categorization"
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Unrecognized property 'dilate' for class 'dagnn.Conv'. #1

Open uzair789 opened 6 years ago

uzair789 commented 6 years ago


I am using matconvnet-1.0-beta25 with vlfeat on my machine (Ubuntu 14.04)

When I am running the training command, I get the following error:

  Unrecognized property 'dilate' for class 'dagnn.Conv'.

  Error in dagnn.DagNN.fromSimpleNN (line 103)
            block.dilate = net.layers{l}.dilate ;

  Error in hihca_model (line 23) 
            pnet = pnet.fromSimpleNN(bnet, 'CanonicalNames', true);

  Error in hihca_train (line 5)
            net = hihca_model(imdb, opts);

  Error in hihca_main (line 43)
            hihca_train(imdb, opts);

I am new to matconvnet. How can I fix this?


uzair789 commented 6 years ago

I changed the matlab version and started using the version that was provided with your code base. THe previous error disappeared but now I get the following error.

  Error using bsxfun
  Non-singleton dimensions of the two input
  arrays must match each other.

  Error in cnn_imagenet_get_batch (line 128)
  imo(:,:,:,si) = bsxfun(@minus,
  imt(sy,sx,:), offset) ;

  Error in getBatchFn>getDagNNBatch (line 31)
  im = cnn_imagenet_get_batch(images, opts);

  Error in
  (line 13)
  fn = @(imdb,batch)
  getDagNNBatch(bopts,useGpu,imdb,batch) ;

  Error in getInitFCParams (line 30)
                inputs =

  Error in hihca_model_hc (line 168)
  fc_params_init = getInitFCParams(net, imdb,

   Error in hihca_model (line 42)
    pnet = hihca_model_hc(pnet, imdb,

   Error in hihca_train (line 5)
   net = hihca_model(imdb, opts);

   Error in hihca_main (line 51)
    hihca_train(imdb, opts);