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ES6-Promise #3

Open cssmagic opened 8 years ago

cssmagic commented 8 years ago

先吐个槽:这个项目不符合 SemVer(语义化版本号)的要求。


  • improve tamper resistence of Promise.all Promise.race and Promise.prototype.then (note, this isn't complete, but addresses an exception when used \w core-js, follow up work will address entirely)
  • 提升 Promise.allPromise.racePromise.prototype.then 等方法对外部篡改的抵抗力(请注意,这个功能还没有做完,目前只能在与 core-js 同时使用时抛出异常以示警告,接下来的版本将会继续完善)
  • remove spec incompatible then chaining fast-path
  • 移除与规范不兼容的链式快速路径(chaining fast-path)
  • add eslint
  • 添加 ESLint
  • update build deps
  • 更新构建依赖


  • fix node detection issues with NWJS/electron
  • 修正在 NWJS/Electron 环境下无法正确探测 Node 环境的问题


  • improve performance of Promise.all when it encounters a non-promise input object input
  • 改进 Promise.all 接受非 Promise 对象输入时的性能
  • then/resolve tamper protection
  • 保护 then/resolve 方法不被篡改
  • reduce AST size of promise constructor, to facilitate more inlining
  • 减少 Promise 构造器的 AST 的体积,使之更易于内联
  • Update README.md with details about PhantomJS requirement for running tests
  • README.md 中添加关于运行测试所需的 PhantomJS 的信息
  • Mangle and compress the minified version
  • 通过压缩和混淆来生成压缩版文件


  • no longer include dist/test in npm releases
  • 在 npm 包中不再包含 dist/test 文件夹。


  • use nextTick() instead of setImmediate() to schedule microtasks with node 0.10. Later versions of nodes are not affected as they were already using nextTick(). Note that using nextTick() might trigger a depreciation warning on 0.10 as described at https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/410. The reason why nextTick() is preferred is that is setImmediate() would schedule a macrotask instead of a microtask and might result in a different scheduling. If needed you can revert to the former behavior as follow:

在 Node 0.10 中使用 nextTick() 代替 setImmediate() 来调度微任务(macrotask)。更高版本的 Node 不受影响,因为它们已经在用 nextTick() 了。请注意使用 nextTick() 可能会在 Node 0.10 中触发一个弃用警告,详情参见 https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/410 。换用 nextTick() 的原因在于 setImmediate() 会调度宏微任务而不是微任务,可能导致不一样的调度结果。如有必要,你可以通过以下代码来恢复以前的行为:

  var Promise = require('es6-promise').Promise;


(译注:作者偷懒了,没有写变更记录,但其实这里有个坑:从这个版本开始,脚本加载时就会自动打上补丁,不需要手动调用 .polyfill() 方法了。这属于行为变更,只升次版本号也是醉了。)
