cssmagic / Learn-AI-Assisted-Python-Programming

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[译] [1100] 第十一章 展望未来 #17

Open cssmagic opened 6 months ago

cssmagic commented 6 months ago

11 Future Directions

第十一章 展望未来

This chapter covers


In this final chapter, we want to give you a glimpse of the creative ways people are currently using generative AI tools like GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT. For example, it’s possible to make Copilot Chat ask you the questions, rather than the other way around. And it’s possible to make Copilot take on a different persona to be even more helpful to your current programming task. We’re going to keep this brief, and it’s not clear how much of this will become standard practice, but we want to take this opportunity to demonstrate the power of being creative with these new tools. We’ll also talk about some of the current limitations of generative AI tools (you’ve seen some of them already in this book!) and offer our thoughts on what may be next.

在本书的终章,我们期望展示人们当前如何创造性地使用生成式 AI 工具,例如 GitHub Copilot 和 ChatGPT。比如,可以实现让 Copilot Chat 主动提出问题,而非单向交流。更进一步,还能让 Copilot 采取不同的身份,以便更好地适应你的编程任务。我们将保持简洁,尽管现在还不确定这些方法会在何种程度上成为常规操作,但我们希望借此机会展现出利用这些新工具进行创造性思维的潜力。此外,我们还将讨论生成式 AI 工具目前的一些限制(本书中已有所涉及),并就可能的未来趋势提供我们的见解。



cssmagic commented 1 month ago

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