cssmagic / Learn-AI-Assisted-Python-Programming

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[译] [202] 设置你的系统 #32

Open cssmagic opened 6 months ago

cssmagic commented 6 months ago

2.2 Getting your system setup

2.2 设置你的系统

This is actually a four-step process. To streamline this chapter, we’re just providing the main steps for this process below. However, there are more detailed instructions available in the following locations:


The primary steps you’ll need to accomplish are as follows:


1. Set up your GitHub account and sign up for Copilot

1. 创建并设置你的 GitHub 账户,注册 Copilot

a. Go to GitHub.com and sign up for a GitHub account: https://github.com/signup

a. 前往 GitHub.com,注册一个 GitHub 账户:https://github.com/signup

b. Go into your settings in GitHub and enable Copilot. This is the point where you’ll either need to verify you are a student or sign up for the 30-day free trial (available at the time of writing).

b. 在 GitHub 的设置中启用 Copilot。此步骤中,你将需要证明你是一名学生或者选择注册 30 天免费试用(文章编写时提供)。

2. Install Python

2. 安装 Python

a. Go to the website, www.Python.org/downloads/

a. 访问 www.Python.org/downloads/ 网站。

b. Download and install the latest version of Python (3.11.1 at the time of writing).

b. 下载并安装 Python 的最新版本(本书编写时为 3.11.1)。

3. Install Visual Studio Code

3. 安装 VS Code

a. Go to the website, https://code.visualstudio.com/Download, Select the main download for your Operating System (e.g., Windows Download or Mac Download).

a. 访问 https://code.visualstudio.com/Download,针对你的操作系统选择主要下载版本(比如,Windows 版本或 Mac 版本)。

b. Download and install the latest version of Visual Studio Code.

b. 下载并安装 VS Code 的最新版本。

4. Install Visual Studio Code Extensions (please read through https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/extension-marketplace for details)

4. 安装 VS Code 扩展(详细信息请参考 https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/extension-marketplace

a. Python (by Microsoft). Follow the instructions at https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/python to set up the Python extension correctly (specifically selecting the correct interpreter).

a. Python(由 Microsoft 提供)。根据 https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/python 的指导正确配置 Python 扩展(特别注意选择正确的解释器)。

b. GitHub Copilot (by GitHub)

b. GitHub Copilot(由 GitHub 提供)

c. GitHub Copilot Labs (by GitHub). Note that Copilot Labs is not needed for the majority of the book, so if you encounter a waiting list or it has changed from the time of writing, please do not be discouraged.

c. GitHub Copilot Labs(由 GitHub 提供)。请留意,本书绝大多数部分不需使用 Copilot Labs,因此如果你遇到等待名单或自本书编写以来该服务有所更改,也无需感到沮丧。

We know that the steps here are brief, if you encounter any issues, we encourage you to consult the resources mentioned earlier for more detailed setup instructions.
