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[译] [PJA] [502] 接口 #32

Open cssmagic opened 11 years ago

cssmagic commented 11 years ago

[译] [PJA] [502] 接口



"Program to an interface, not an implementation."

-- The Gang of Four, "Design Patterns"



Interfaces are one of the primary tools of modular software design. Interfaces define a contract that an implementing module will fulfill. For instance, a common problem in JavaScript applications is that the application stops functioning if the Internet connection is lost. In order to solve that problem, you could use local storage and sync changes periodically with the server. Unfortunately, some browsers don't support local storage, so you may have to fall back to cookies or even flash (depending on how much data you need to store).

接口 是模块化软件设计的一个基本工具。接口约定了一个还在开发中的模块将要实现哪些功能。我们用一个实例来讲解吧。JavaScript 应用程序有一个常见问题,一旦互联网连接断开之后,应用程序就停止工作了。为了解决这个问题,你可能会使用本地存储(localStorage)特性,并且定期向服务器同步数据变化。不幸的是,部分浏览器并不支持本地存储,所以你可能不得不降级到 Cookie 或 Flash 的存储功能(这取决于你需要存储的数据量大小)。

That will be difficult if your business logic depends directly on your the localStorage features. For example, in Figure 5-1:

如果你的业务逻辑直接依赖于本地存储特性,事情就比较难办了。如 图 5-1 所示:

Direct Dependency

Figure 5-1. Direct Dependency

图 5-1. 直接依赖

A better alternative is to create a standard interface to provide data access for the post module. That way, the module can retrieve data using the same interface, regardless of where the data is being stored. See Figure 5-2:

一个更好的替代方案是创建一个标准的接口,来为数据发送(post)模块提供数据存取渠道。这样,模块可以使用相同的接口获取数据,而不用操心数据实际上保存在哪里。参见 图 5-2


Figure 5-2. Interface

图 5-2. 接口

Other languages have native support for interfaces which may enforce the requirements of an interface. You might know them as abstract base classes, or pure virtual functions. In JavaScript, there is no distinction between a class, interface, or object instance. There are only object instances, and that simplification is a good thing. You may be wondering, if there's no native support for interfaces in JavaScript, why bother to write one at all?

其它语言对接口特性提供了原生支持,比如可以指定接口需求。你可能知道这种支持称作“抽象基类”或“纯虚函数”。在 JavaScript 中,类、接口和对象实例之间并没有什么区别。它们都只是对象实例,而且这种简化也有它的好处。你可能会问,既然 JavaScript 没有对接口特性提供原生支持,我们又何必要自己写一个出来呢?

When you need multiple implementations of the same interface, it's good to have a canonical reference in the code that explicitly spells out exactly what that interface is. It's important to write code that is self-documenting. When it's time to add another concrete instance, simply call a predefined factory function and pass in the methods you need to override.


For example, using O.js to define the factory:

比如说,我们使用 O.js 来定义工厂函数:

(译注:O.js 是作者本人写的一个用于创建对象的类库,本书第四章介绍了它的基本原理。作者在这里用它来简化示例代码的结构,以便更好地表达核心思路。)

(function (exports, o) {
  'use strict';

  var ns = 'post',

    // Make sure local storage is supported.
    // 确认是否支持本地存储。
    supportsLocalStorage =
      (typeof localStorage !== 'undefined')
        && localStorage !== null,


    // Define the stream interface.
    // 定义数据流(stream)接口。
    streamInterface = o.factory({
      sharedProperties: {
        save: function saveStream() {
          // Save the post stream.
          // 保存待发送的数据流。
          // (译注:这个空函数只是占位而已,这个方法会在下面被覆盖掉。)

    localStorageProvider = streamInterface({
      save: function saveStreamLocal() {
        localStorage.stream = JSON.stringify(stream);

    cookieProvider = streamInterface({
      save: function saveStreamCookie() {
        $.cookie('stream', JSON.stringify(stream));

    // Define the post interface.
    // 定义数据发送(post)接口。
    post = o.factory({
      sharedProperties: {
        save: function save() {
          stream[this.id] = this.data;
          return this;
        set: function set(name, value) {
          this.data[name] = value;
          return this;
      defaultProperties: {
        data: {
          message: '',
          published: false
      initFunction: function initFunction() {
        this.id = generateUUID();
        return this;

    api = post;

  // If localStorage is supported, use it.
  // 如果支持本地存储,就用。
  stream = (supportsLocalStorage)
    ? localStorageProvider
    : cookieProvider; // Fall back on cookies.
                      // 否则就降级到 Cookie。

  exports[ns] = api;

}((typeof exports === 'undefined')
    ? window
    : exports,

$(function () {
  'use strict';

  var myPost = post().set('message', 'Hello, world!');

  test('Interface example', function () {
    var storedMessage,

    stream = JSON.parse(localStorage.stream);
    storedMessage = stream[myPost.id].message;

    equal(storedMessage, 'Hello, world!',
      '.save() method should save post.');

The important part here is the stream interface. First you create the factory (using O.js in this case, but it can be any function that returns an object that demonstrates the interface). This example has only one method: .save()

其中的重要部分是数据流(stream)接口。首先你创建了工厂函数(我们在这里使用了 O.js 来做这件事,当然也可以用其它方法来生成这个工厂函数,只要它返回的对象可以用来演示接口)。这段示例只包含一个方法:.save()

    // Define the stream interface.
    // 定义数据流(stream)接口。
    streamInterface = o.factory({
      sharedProperties: {
        save: function saveStream() {
          // Save the post stream.
          // 保存待发送的数据流。

Create a concrete implementation by calling the factory function, and passing in the concrete methods. If the interface is especially large, you might want to put each implementation in a separate file. In this case, it's a single one-line method. Notice that the concrete implementations are using named function expressions. During debugging, you'll be able to see which concrete implementation you're using by looking at the function name in the call stack:


(译注:这是一个不错的调试技巧。“具名函数表达式”是指使用了 saveStreamLocalsaveStreamCookie 这样的函数名的函数表达式。)

    localStorageProvider = streamInterface({
      save: function saveStreamLocal() {
        localStorage.stream = JSON.stringify(stream);

    cookieProvider = streamInterface({
      save: function saveStreamCookie() {
        $.cookie('stream', JSON.stringify(stream));

The final step is to decide which implementation to use:


  // If localStorage is supported, use it.
  // 如果支持本地存储,就用。
  stream = (supportsLocalStorage)
    ? localStorageProvider
    : cookieProvider; // Fall back on cookies.
                      // 否则就降级到 Cookie。

There are alternative ways to define interfaces in JavaScript. For example, if your concrete implementations are large or resource intensive you may not want to instantiate them until you know they're needed. One way is to move the calls to the factory into the ternary expression. Another is to turn the concrete definitions into factories themselves, and only call the factory corresponding to the implementation you need.

在 JavaScript 中,还有一些备用方法可以定义接口。比如说,如果你的具体接口代码量很大,或者需要消耗大量资源,在你真正用到它们之前,你可能都不想把它们实例化。一种方法就是把对工厂函数的调用移到三元表达式中;另一种方法是将具体定义转变为工厂函数本身,然后只调用与你需要的实现相关的工厂函数。

You could also define the concrete implementations as prototype objects, and then pass the appropriate prototype into O.js or Object.create() during the final step. I prefer the factory approach, because it gives you a lot of flexibility.

你也可以将具体实现定义为原型对象,然后在最后一步将合适的原型传递给 O.jsObject.create() 方法。我更倾向于使用工厂函数的方法,因为这种方法赋予你更多的灵活性。

Erich Gamma, one of the Gang of Four authors who created "Design Patterns", shared some interesting thoughts about interfaces in an interview with Bill Venners: "Leading-Edge Java Design Principles from Design Patterns: A Conversation with Erich Gamma, Part III".

Erich Gamma,“四人帮”中创造了“设计模式”概念的那位,在接受 Bill Venners 采访时,分享了一些关于接口的有趣想法:“源自《设计模式》的前沿 Java 设计原则:与 Erich Gamma 对话(第三部分)”

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AndyFHAF commented 3 years ago
