None of the module systems discussed so far are included in the official ECMAScript specifications. In the future, a module system will be built-in to all ECMA-compliant JavaScript engines.
The Harmony module specification hasn't stabilized yet, but when it does, it should be possible to write harmony modules and compile using build tools to fall back on the module pattern, AMD, and CommonJS where required.
Harmony module build tools are already beginning to appear, but since the specification is likely to change, you should probably wait a bit longer before you start to rely on them for your production applications.
[译] [PJA] [507] Harmony 的模块机制
Harmony Modules
Harmony 的模块机制
None of the module systems discussed so far are included in the official ECMAScript specifications. In the future, a module system will be built-in to all ECMA-compliant JavaScript engines.
目前为止我们所讨论到的模块机制都并没有收录进官方的 ECMAScript 规范中。但在未来,将会有一个模块系统内建到所有兼容 ECMA 规范的 JavaScript 引擎中。
The Harmony module specification hasn't stabilized yet, but when it does, it should be possible to write harmony modules and compile using build tools to fall back on the module pattern, AMD, and CommonJS where required.
Harmony 的模块规范现在还没有稳定,但一旦它稳定下来,我们应该就能编写 Harmony 模块;在必要时,还可以通过构建工具的编译操作,降级到模块模式、AMD 和 CommonJS 的模块机制。(译注:以便适配那些尚未支持 Harmony 模块规范的环境。)
Harmony module build tools are already beginning to appear, but since the specification is likely to change, you should probably wait a bit longer before you start to rely on them for your production applications.
Harmony 模块构建工具已经开始出现了,但由于规范还有可能变动,在将这些工具投入生产之前,你可能还需要再等一等。
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