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What do you miss about the good old days? #14

Closed davewallace closed 7 years ago

davewallace commented 7 years ago

Go on, what do you miss, I'm sure between everyone that comments on this issue and your own observations and contributions we'll collect some gems!


csswizardry commented 7 years ago

Honestly, between IE6 bugs, competing box-models, lack of support for transparent PNGs, Flash, very rudimentary versions of HTTP, and goodness knows whatever else I’ve managed to scrub from my mind, there isn’t that much to miss!

Right now we’re dealing with HTTP/2, almost ubiquitous HTTPS, heavily standardised browsers, huge OSS efforts from almost all large tech companies, ServiceWorker and PWAs giving native a run for its money; the web is really starting to win!

But, I should really answer your question. I guess I miss:

There might be more, but I would absolutely say that on the whole, the web is better now than it was back then.

davewallace commented 7 years ago

Thanks @csswizardry :)

Some of the IE6 PNG fixes were awesome. I never quite managed to perfectly nail the bottom right rounded corner of an expandable box using PNG's and their scale modes in the filter hack - a touch a JS to think about heights was required if I remember correctly... time to let that one go I think!

I know what you mean about creativity in design also, CSS Zen garden was fantastic for inspiration - and convincing people investing in my time to work with CSS for them was worth it. I guess skeuomorphic designs pop up now and then for me to implement, to keep things entertaining, otherwise it does seem like material design & boostrapery always get to a point where there's no more $$ or time left to take it beyond where those ways of thinking get a product to initially.

kimblim commented 7 years ago

The simplicity

Oh yes! Couldn't agree more — it seems like setting up a simple site these days requires node, gulp, scss, git etc.; often for no reason other than "tooling". That's also why, when I need to do some quick, experimental work, I turn to an online editor (my choice is CodePen, but could be JSFiddle or one of the others). No setup, it's just "go and do".

I guess it compares to visual designers grabbing a pen and pad before opening some software. CodePen is my pen and pad, where I can mess about with no consequenses.

csswizardry commented 7 years ago

That's also why, when I need to do some quick, experimental work, I turn to an online editor…

Exactly! You don’t want any setup to get in the way of your moment of inspiration/creativity.