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How do you organize your work ? #43

Closed ayadcodes closed 5 years ago

ayadcodes commented 7 years ago

Hey Harry, first thank you for doing this...

My question is about something not a lot of devs talk about; in my opinon; your folder organization.

How do you organize your folders ? do you store clients' documents and media in the same folder of the project ? or do you use another method ?

How much do you backup your data ? what do you use for that ? and do you backup multiple folders or you have one root folder(i.e Sites) ?

csswizardry commented 5 years ago


This is an interesting one. I’m honestly not as organised as I should be, and there’s probably a lot of duplication and waste in my process, but generally I will have two locations for client work.

Firstly, for non-code assets like contracts, documents, etc., I have a Clients/ directoy in my Dropbox:

Secondly, there’s code stuff, and that’s usually a lot more simple:

Everything is in the cloud and I have a 4TB Western Digital drive for anything critical or that can’t be recovered from cloud backups.