csswizardry / inuit.css

Powerful, scalable, Sass-based, BEM, OOCSS framework.
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Different sized objects #101

Closed csswizardry closed 11 years ago

csswizardry commented 11 years ago

It might be nice to have things like .media--small or .block-list--large etc to vary the sizes of some objects.

Currently things are based around your $base-spacing-unit value, but we could halve and double this figure in order to provide a variety of different sizes of object but that are still ‘on brand’ as far as your vertical rhythm/base sizing go…


matyus commented 11 years ago

Feels like overkill to me, what's nice about Inuit is that it's NOT twitter bootstrap. (Providing all the modifiers seems like something twitter bootstrap would do.)

Personally, I don't necessarily want Inuit to make it easier for me to "design" with: I like being able to add a layer of UI styles on top of the framework.

csswizardry commented 11 years ago

Good point, thanks for the feedback :)

kevva commented 11 years ago

It's a tough one. I definitely see some use cases where .block-list--large could come in handy. But then again, maybe it's likely that it will get overridden by some user defined ui component anyway.

On a complete different note. Why are small .island objects named .islet instead of .island--small? Is .islet supposed to be a separate object or is it just a modifier of .island? Just wondering.

emzo commented 11 years ago

That's a very good point regarding the .islet object. .island--small does seem more conventional.

csswizardry commented 11 years ago

.island is an abstract concept; something surrounded on all sides. An islet is just a smaller version of an island, keeping it abstract :)