cstb / citygml-energy

CityGML Energy ADE
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Choose a license #103

Open mlauster opened 8 years ago

mlauster commented 8 years ago

We currently do not have a license for CityGML ADE Energy.

That means, we are quite restrictive, to cite github:

"You're under no obligation to choose a license. It's your right not to include one with your code or project, but please be aware of the implications. Generally speaking, the absence of a license means that the default copyright laws apply. This means that you retain all rights to your source code and that nobody else may reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works from your work. This might not be what you intend."


To open the discussion, what about MIT license?

http://choosealicense.com/ http://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/

gioagu commented 8 years ago


this is a topic that needs to be addressed for sure during the next workshop. Thanks for starting the discussion.

Some general notes:

RomainNouvel commented 8 years ago

Which licence is currently used for the UtilityNetwork ADE?

JoachimBenner commented 8 years ago

Just the same as for the Energy ADE: Nothing

mlauster commented 8 years ago

This link is also nice


mlauster commented 8 years ago

We should add an amendment to our chosen license to state that this license is subject to change if the ADE becomes part of OGC licensing. If we don't add this amendment, we would need to ask every participant to change the license to the OCG license

mlauster commented 8 years ago

This shows you the usage of licenses on github:


And even the discussion we had about non-software licensing is common:


pgcipriano commented 8 years ago

As discussed during the meeting in Wien, the main product of Energy ADE is a data model, thus similar to the case of ISA Core Vocabularies defined by European Commission and described as "simplified, re-usable and extensible data models that capture the fundamental characteristics of a data entity in a context-neutral fashion": https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/core_vocabularies/home

In that case, the data models are licensed with ISA Open Metadata License 1.1: https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/site/core_vocabularies/Core_Vocabularies_user_handbook/ISA%20Hanbook%20for%20using%20Core%20Vocabularies.pdf (p.17).

The text of that license is available at: https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/category/licence/isa-open-metadata-licence-v11

mlauster commented 8 years ago

Hm, the European Commission license seems to be strictly adapted to their needs, I'm not quite sure about all the terms mentioned there and how to adapt this to our needs and namespace. According to http://choosealicense.com/non-software/, XSD schemas are more or less code, so I vote for taking a software license.

In this context, we would be back to the following proposed licenses:

Any further licenses to be mentioned?

I vote for MIT, I'm a fan of keeping it as simple as possible, and don't see advantages of holding the trademark. Still, that's just my point of view, please add your opinions on that and state what for conditions and terms you need!

YixingChen commented 7 years ago

I agree with Moritz to make the license simple.

MIT is a good choice.