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Industrial FeatureTypes in EnergyConversionSystem #122

Closed kwakuwulf closed 7 years ago

kwakuwulf commented 7 years ago

As discussed in Vienna I'm adding some issues from the viewpoint of industrial process modelling:

Adding chiller and air compressor as feature types in EnergyConversionSystem.

RomainNouvel commented 7 years ago

Could you detail the required attributes of these two Systems @kwakuwulf ?

kwakuwulf commented 7 years ago



RomainNouvel commented 7 years ago

Can some of the string types be defined as codelist or enumeration, in order to make it easier to use?

mlauster commented 7 years ago

@kwakuwulf, could you define which attributes could be codelists or enumerations and what for values should be in this lists?

kwakuwulf commented 7 years ago

compressorType (chiller)

kwakuwulf commented 7 years ago


kwakuwulf commented 7 years ago

Actually, air compressors should have the same list as chiller-compressors (even tough maybe not all apply)

refrigerants: a bit tricky to set up a limited enumeration list since some producers constantly come up with new refrigerants so I would avoid that by leaving it open for any String

mlauster commented 7 years ago

@RomainNouvel, something to add here or this fine from your side?

JoachimBenner commented 7 years ago

This issue has been solved with version 0.8.0 and can be closed.