cstb / citygml-energy

CityGML Energy ADE
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Heat Recovery in EnergySystem #125

Closed kwakuwulf closed 7 years ago

kwakuwulf commented 7 years ago

As discussed in Vienna I'm adding some issues from the viewpoint of industrial process modelling:

We've discussed internal heat recovery, which I would define in our context as follows: Using waste heat from within the company/building via heat exchanger or heat pump for an energy demand in the same company/building.

I can't right remember what the best way of defining internal heat recovery in the EnergyADE would be. We've discussed adding another EnergyConversionSystem named (Waste)HeatExchanger or even a generic EnergyConversionSystem.

I leave this open for discussion.

RomainNouvel commented 7 years ago

Introducing a HeatExchanger (or HeatExchangerStation) as EnergyConversionSystem would be well adapted. Actually this is very close from the DistrictNetworkSubstation allready existing. We could then have a general HeatExchangerStation object with a string attribute "primary heat supplier" which could be for instance "waste heat from company X" or "district heat from DHS Y" ...

mlauster commented 7 years ago

With such an HeatExchanger it should be possible to model internal heat recovery as well. Some EnergyConversionSystem would produce some FinalEnergy that can then be re-used by another EnergyConversionSystem, e.g. the HeatExchanger. For external use, the question is to define that the heat goes "out" of the building. One solution with the HeatExchanger is to define the heat it consumes and equally the heat it produces. The string gives the information to which node within the UtlilityNetwork ADE this heat then belongs to.

kwakuwulf commented 7 years ago

Would the EnergyConversionUnit (which produces final energy) then be linked to an energydemand? This would allow the mapping of waste heat potentials. e.g. energy demand Z uses X amount of energy but also results in Y amount of waste heat

RomainNouvel commented 7 years ago

EnergyConversionUnit is not existing in the scheme Moritz, what do you mean with it? -> EnergyConversionSystem? If so, the answer to your question Wolfgang is yes!

mlauster commented 7 years ago

Sorry, I mean EnergyConversionSystem. I changed that

mlauster commented 7 years ago

Change of request: Change feature type DistrictNetworkSubstation to HeatExchanger and add new string attribute primaryHeatSupplier

mlauster commented 7 years ago

Any objections? Otherwise I will add the label 'Validated by WG'.