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Codelists: values, definitions and translations #140

Open lucagiovannini opened 7 years ago

lucagiovannini commented 7 years ago

Thank you all for the discussion we started during the workshop in Grenoble! As agreed, I'm opening this issue to support the discussion and finalize the activity on codelists.

Here you can find the google spreadsheet updated with the workshop decisions: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QosN8dEW757ht1OqTdTOicw2Yy57syTqrXZA3tcAVUY/edit#gid=454796838

This is my suggestion on how to proceed:

To keep the momentum I propose to put a deadline for this activity on mid-june, with a final skype call among the people (Mariam, Joachim, Usman, Romain, Lydia, Emilien, Piergiorgio, Luca) identified during the workshop in Grenoble in order to finalize the English version. Here is a doodle for this skype call, please fill it: http://doodle.com/poll/5n8qkmgkac9aw5qa After that I would put a final deadline for end-June for the translations in German, French and Italian.

What do you think?

lucagiovannini commented 7 years ago

I was having a look at the values (see below) proposed by SIG3D for the CityGML codelists for building class, function and usage and I have a question for @JoachimBenner : can you please explain me what are the 3 codelist designed for?

It seems to me that "function" corresponds to what we call "building (architechtural) type" and "usage" to the building/part actual use, is it correct?

But what is the role of "class"?

Thank you!

Here are the links provided by Joachim:

JoachimBenner commented 7 years ago

The three attributes class, function and usage are a very general CityGML concept, they occur in almost all CityGML FeatureTypes. The attribute class always provides a "rough" classification of the corresponding real world objects. For buildings, it is defined as "Classification of Building or BuildingPart as given by the relevant national regulations, information communities, or specific applications". The attributes function and usage normally are defined by the same CodeList and specify more detailled classifications of the real world object's function. Here, it is differentiated between the "originally specified function" (attribute function) and the "actual usage" (attribute usage).

The Codelists specified in the CityGML specification (Annex C) are inventions of the SIG3D and not normative. As far as I remember, we looked on some Enumerations of the German cadastral standard ALKIS, but did not use this standard in a 1:1 way.

lucagiovannini commented 7 years ago

Thank you Joachim for the clear explanation.

We need to proceed to finalize the codelists and for this I would like to organize a conference call to involve all the interested partners. I will shortly send an email with a doodle.

It seems that the only remaining issues are on just 2 codelists:

These are the main comments on the two codelists:

So my working proposal is the following:

You can already see its implementation in the codelist spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QosN8dEW757ht1OqTdTOicw2Yy57syTqrXZA3tcAVUY/edit#gid=454796838

Looking forward to your comments and to your participation to the upcoming conference call!

lucagiovannini commented 6 years ago

Thank you all for the fruitful discussion of today!

To sum up for the other partners, we basically agreed to the proposal that was made in the GitHub discussion (https://github.com/cstb/citygml-energy/issues/140), which is to merge the two codelists "BuildingTypeValue" and "CurrentUseValue" in a Sigle flat codelist with no value hierarchy. In the following days, I will forward you also the link to the conference call recording, so that who missed it can have a look at it.

As agreed, I proceeded to adjust the Codelist Spreadsheet with the following modifications: (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QosN8dEW757ht1OqTdTOicw2Yy57syTqrXZA3tcAVUY/edit#gid=454796838) • Joint codelist (BuildingTypeValue/CurrentUseValue) was renamed "UseValue" • Duplicate values where cleaned • Codelist values where rewritten in upper camel case ("ResidenceForCommunities" instead of "Residence for communities") • English description was provided for each value • Codelist "EnergySourceValue" was renamed to "EnergyCarrierValue" • Some of the comments to "OfficialAreaReferenceValue" where incorporated in value description

Please review by July 31st the modifications to values and descriptions described above. After that date codelist will be considered freezed and available for testing and translation.

Moreover, codelist will be translated by September 15th by the following partners: • Luca/Piergiorgio for ITALIAN • Joachim for GERMAN • Romain/CSTB for FRENCH Please start from the last version of the English tab of the Codelist Spreadsheet and translate both values and descriptions.

I hope I didn’t miss anything from the decision we took today, but please feel free to integrate in case 

Thank you all again

hongtz68 commented 6 years ago

USDOE's Building Performance Database, bpd.lbl.gov, went through a comprehensive process and came up with a building classification system. It can be a good reference.

lucagiovannini commented 6 years ago

Thank you Hong!

I checked the Building Performance Database and identified the codelist "facility_type" as the one corresponding to our "UseValue" codelist. https://sites.google.com/a/lbl.gov/bpd-api-documentation/home/api-fields/categorical-fields

I mapped "facility_type" to "UseValue" (mapping_BPD_v1.xlsx) and verified that there is a good agreement between the two: the only element that I found missing was "Fire or Police station", which I added to our "UseValue" codelist, citing the proper reference.