cstb / citygml-energy

CityGML Energy ADE
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Landmarked / Historical Buildings #45

Closed RomainNouvel closed 8 years ago

RomainNouvel commented 9 years ago

Different status of landmarked/historical buildings exist in Europe with different degrees of protection. Therefore, a simple landmarked[Boolean] as attribute of _AbstractBuilding should be not enough. PROPOSITION:

RomainNouvel commented 8 years ago

Should this type be implemented in our Energy ADE, our rather more globally in the next CityGML standard?

JoachimBenner commented 8 years ago

Information concerning the protection or cultural heritage status of a building is not relevant for energy demand simulations, but this information surely will be relevant for the planning of renovation measures. However, there are many other external factors which may restrict the renovation process. Besides a potential national heritage status, there might be special regulation concerning natural risks (e.g. flooding, earthquake, landslide), noise protection, air pollution, .. This kind of information normally is included in spatially related planning documents like Urban Plans or Zoning Plans.

I don't think it makes sense to include all these "construction restrictions" into a CityGML model. CityGML describes an existing or perhaps also a planned building, but not the legal situation of the region where the building is situated. For the planning process of an energetic renovation, the needed planning information should be provided by a Geodata Infrastructure (GDI), providing data in standardized formats like XPlanung (Germal national standard for planning doculents) or INSPIRE PLU (European standard).

pgcipriano commented 8 years ago

I agree: there's no clear need to include restrictions or constraints related to cultural heritage. First of all we need to distiguish between "historical buildings" and "cultural heritage" (protected). Each of us may have our own personal opinions about what is historic and what is not (http://georgiashpo.org/faq_what_makes_a_property_historic). In SUNSHINE project, for instance, we had to extend TABULA typologies for historic buildings in Ferrara town centre, where there are both cultural heritage and also other historic buildings. About energy performance and historic buildings (see also GBC protocol) some useful papers here: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marco_Zuppiroli2/publications

RomainNouvel commented 8 years ago

It has been decided during the workshop of Munich (30.11.2015) to not include details on Historical Buildings in the Energy ADE, but rather to push for its inclusion it in the CityGML 3.0.

oliviertournaire commented 8 years ago

So, should the issue be closed?