cstefanache / angular2-img-cropper

Angular 2 Image Cropper
MIT License
364 stars 135 forks source link

how to setup for angular 4 project? #214

Closed raviji closed 6 years ago

raviji commented 6 years ago

First of all thanks for developed this awesome one. If this is working for angular 4 then change the readme doc in front. Am unable to implement this in my project.

meronbrouwer commented 6 years ago

I have got this working in Angular4. You can find the code in this repo: https://github.com/gurpsdomain/GurpsyMcGurpsFace. Look at the portaitUpdaterDialog: https://github.com/gurpsdomain/GurpsyMcGurpsFace/tree/master/src/app/components/dialog/model-updaters/portrait-updater-dialog

ClaudioKirchmair commented 6 years ago

If you haven't managed to implement it then here is what I did ;) Add the ImageCropperModule to your app.module.ts (or whatever module you want to use it in). ... import { ImageCropperModule } from 'ng2-img-cropper';

@NgModule({ imports: [ ... ImageCropperModule, ... })

You can see how to add it to your component it in the following Plnkr (not by me): https://embed.plnkr.co/V91mKCNkBQZB5QO2MUP4/

web-dave commented 6 years ago

this repo is deprecated. But this comp will be maintained by me at https://github.com/web-dave/ngx-img-cropper