Start node(s):
cd backend/DCRApi/
dotnet build (only needed once)
dotnet run --no-build localhost 4300 (seed node, must be running for any other node to connect)
dotnet run --no-build localhost 4301
dotnet run --no-build localhost 4302
New NetworkController for handling Node connection communication
New BlockchainController for handing network communication related to blockchain elements
Network discovery using a centralized DNS server for finding seed nodes (each node can be connected to at most 125 neighbors, and upon connecting to a new neighbor, the node tries to connect to the neighbors neighbors.
Graceful shutdown; on shutdown, the node will send a disconnect message to all neighbors, so that the neighbor can remove the node from their list of neighbors.
Field "Timestamp" from when it is being sent to when it is received by a neighbor. E.g. the block that was created at timestamp "12:00:00" will have the timestamp field set to e.g. "12:00:05" upon arrival. This is an error in serialization of the Timestamp field.
For some reason, the same block is sometimes broadcasted multiple times? This happened with 5 node running at the same time, so maybe there is a concurrency issue of overlapping, since they all access the same blockchain.json?
HOW TO USE: Start DNS: cd dns/ dotnet run
Start node(s): cd backend/DCRApi/ dotnet build (only needed once) dotnet run --no-build localhost 4300 (seed node, must be running for any other node to connect) dotnet run --no-build localhost 4301 dotnet run --no-build localhost 4302 ...