Closed Peter230655 closed 4 months ago
It seems to be related to piecewise, since when I remove it (the simulation makes no sense then) the error disappears. I will try to replace piecewise with combinations of 'differentiable step functions' to get around this issue - but maybe still interesting on its own?
Piecewise is not differentiable.
I replaced the piecewise 'logic' using differentialble approximations of step functions $h(x,b) = \dfrac{1}{1 + e^{a(x - b)}}$ , and the error went away. I think, this should be possible in general, not 100% sure.
I am trying to apply opty to my woodpecker simulation. (The normal simulation can be found on pst-notebooks) but I am getting the error below:
When setting up the forces, I use sm.piecewise((...), (..)) which in some earlier simulation did not affect opty.
I attached the program below the error. (I do not know, why it looks so ugly. I used ``` as a first and last line, as usual)
Thanks for any help!!
import sympy.physics.mechanics as me from collections import OrderedDict import time import numpy as np import sympy as sm from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
import opty from opty.direct_collocation import Problem from opty.utils import create_objective_function import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib from IPython.display import HTML matplotlib.rcParams['animation.embed_limit'] = 2**128 from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation print('opty version: ', opty.version) print('sympy version: ', sm.version)
N, AR, AW = sm.symbols('N, AR, AW', cls = me.ReferenceFrame) O, DmcR, DmcW, P = sm.symbols('O, DmcR, DmcW, P', cls=me.Point)
t = me.dynamicsymbols._t
qR, uR, qW, uW = me.dynamicsymbols('qR, uR, qW, uW') yR, uyR = me.dynamicsymbols('yR, uyR')
mR, mW, g, iZZR, iZZW, ro, d, max_kipp, kR, kW, reibung, korrekt = sm.symbols('mR, mW, g, iZZR, iZZW, ro, d, max_kipp, kR, kW, reibung, korrekt')
set up the geometry
O.set_vel(N, 0)
AR.orient_axis(N, qR, N.z) AR.set_ang_vel(N, uR N.z) AW.orient_axis(AR, qW, AR.z) rot = AW.ang_vel_in(N) AW.set_ang_vel(AR, uW AR.z) rot1 = AW.ang_vel_in(N)
DmcR.set_pos(O, yRN.y) DmcR.set_vel(N, uyRN.y)
P.set_pos(DmcR, roAR.x - ro/5.AR.y) P.v2pt_theory(DmcR, N, AR)
DmcW.set_pos(P, d*AW.x) DmcW.v2pt_theory(P, N, AW)
iR = me.inertia(AR, 0., 0., iZZR) iW = me.inertia(AW, 0., 0., iZZW) Ring = me.RigidBody('Ring', DmcR, AR, mR, (iR, DmcR)) Woodpecker = me.RigidBody('Woodpecker', DmcW, AW, mW, (iW, DmcW)) BODY = [Ring, Woodpecker]
FG = [(DmcR, -mRgN.y), (DmcW, -mWgN.y)] # gravity FT1 = [(AW, -kW (qW-korrekt) N.z), (AR, kW (qW-korrekt) N.z)] # torque if woodpecker is not 'in line' with the ring
When - max_kipp > qR or qR > max_kipp, the ring touches the peg
faktor1 = sm.Piecewise((1., -max_kipp > qR), (1., qR >= max_kipp), (0., True))
the 'penetration' is qR - max_kipp if qR > max_kipp, and -(qR + max_kipp) if qR < -max_kipp
eindring = sm.Piecewise((qR - max_kipp, qR > max_kipp), (-qR - max_kipp, qR < -max_kipp), (0., True))
This penetration will create a torque on AR. I must determine the direction of this torque
faktor2 = sm.Piecewise((-1., max_kipp < qR), (1., True)) kraft = kR eindring faktor1 faktor2 FT2 = [(AR, kraft N.z)]
friction acting on DmcR to stop the sliding. I made it speed dependent to avoid that the ring might be driven upward.
kraft2 = sm.tanh(5 kraft) FR = [(DmcR, -uyR reibung kraft2 N.y)]
FL = FG + FT1 + FT2 + FR hilfs = [kraft, -uyR reibungkraft2]
set up the equations of motion
q_ind = [qR, qW, yR] u_ind = [uR, uW, uyR] kd = sm.Matrix([i - j.diff(t) for i, j in zip(u_ind, q_ind)])
KM = me.KanesMethod(N, q_ind=q_ind, u_ind=u_ind, kd_eqs=kd) (fr, frstar) = KM.kanes_equations(BODY, FL) MM = KM.mass_matrix_full force = KM.forcing_full
EOM = kd.col_join(fr + frstar)
print('EOM DS', me.find_dynamicsymbols(EOM)) print('EOM free symbols', EOM.free_symbols) print(f'EOM has {sm.count_ops(EOM)} operations, {sm.count_ops(sm.cse(EOM))} operations after cse', '\n')
state_symbols = tuple(q_ind + u_ind) laenge = len(state_symbols) constant_symbols = tuple((mR, mW, g, iZZR, iZZW, ro, d, max_kipp, korrekt)) specified_symbols = [] unknown_symbols = [kR, kW, reibung]
methode = 'backward euler'
duration = 10. # The duration of the simulation. num_nodes = 100 # The number of nodes to use in the direct collocation problem. t0, tf = 0., duration # The initial and final times interval_value = duration / (num_nodes - 1) # The interval value between nodes.
WERT = [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.] initialguess = np.array([wert for wert in WERT for in range(num_nodes)] + [1.e6, 2.e3, 0.75])
Specify the known system parameters.
par_map = OrderedDict() par_map[mR] = 1.0 # Mass of the ring par_map[mW] = 15 # Mass of the woodpecker par_map[g] = 9.81 # Acceleration due to gravity par_map[iZZR] = 1. # Moment of inertia of the ring par_map[iZZW] = 10. # Moment of inertia of the woodpecker par_map[ro] = 1.0 # Distance of the mass center of the ring from DmcR par_map[d] = 1.0 # Distance of the mass center of the woodpecker from P par_map[max_kipp] = np.deg2rad(2.) # The maximum angle the ring can be tilted par_map[korrekt] = np.deg2rad(10.) # The angle the ring is tilted in the beginning
objective = sm.Integral(kR2 + kW2 + reibung**2, t) # minimal power
Specify the objective function and it's gradient.
obj, obj_grad = create_objective_function( objective, state_symbols, specified_symbols, unknown_symbols, num_nodes, interval_value, methode)
initial_state_constraints = { qR: np.deg2rad(0), qW: np.deg2rad(-30), yR: 0., uR: 0., uW: 0., uyR: 0.}
final_state_constraints = {yR: -10}
instance_constraints = ( tuple(xi.subs({t: t0}) - xi_val for xi, xi_val in initial_state_constraints.items()), tuple(xi.subs({t: tf}) - xi_val for xi, xi_val in final_state_constraints.items()), )
prob = Problem( obj, obj_grad, EOM, state_symbols, num_nodes, interval_value, known_parameter_map=par_map, instance_constraints=instance_constraints, integration_method=methode)
prob.add_option('max_iter', 3000) # default is 3000
Find the optimal solution.
solution, info = prob.solve(initial_guess) print('message from optimizer:', info['status_msg']) print('Iterations needed',len(prob.obj_value)) print(f"objective value {info['obj_val']:.3e}")
print(f'kR: {solution[-3]:.3f}') print(f'kW: {solution[-2]:.3f}') print(f'reibung: {solution[-1]:.3f}')
prob.plot_constraint_violations(solution) prob.plot_trajectories(solution)