csu-hmc / opty

A library for using direct collocation in the optimization of dynamic systems.
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Officially support Windows #89

Closed moorepants closed 3 years ago

moorepants commented 3 years ago

Now that there is a conda forge build of ipopt for windows:


We can more easily support windows. We could also mimic the current cyipopt CI setup to download a IPOPT binary if that is useful.

ashander commented 3 years ago

The good news that issue only comes up in development (running nose) but can be solved for actually using opty by setting an appropriate environment variable for location of temp files (eg $TMPDIR https://docs.python.org/3/library/tempfile.html#tempfile.gettempdir)

moorepants commented 3 years ago

I use pywin32 on PyDy for the same reason. Maybe that's the simplest fix.

moorepants commented 3 years ago

dev version will install and run on windows. Just need to make a point release for pypi and conda-forge.