csu333 / Surrogate

This is the repository for the Surrogate Xposed module
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Crash on start #15

Open Oddly opened 6 years ago

Oddly commented 6 years ago

App crashes on start, check log here: https://pastebin.com/raw/kEn9fCx0

rmenessec commented 6 years ago

@Oddly, any sign that the developer is still supporting this?

Oddly commented 6 years ago

No, haven't heard anything.

csu333 commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately, I've had very little time and I'm not running Xposed on my smartphone anymore so I can't easily debug. I'll have a bit more time the next few weeks so I can have a look on how to solve this issue that came with Nougat (I guess).

csu333 commented 6 years ago


As I thought, this is related to the shared preferences that have to be accessible both from the Surrogate app (to configure it) and from the targeted application (for the actual hook to be placed). This is not so trivial to fix :-(

Oddly commented 6 years ago

Ok, no problem. Thanks for your work :-)

shmykelsa commented 6 years ago

I have this bug too