csu333 / Surrogate

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Keytrade bank app not working anymore #9

Closed csu333 closed 7 years ago

csu333 commented 7 years ago

Keytrade bank app detects root again

csu333 commented 7 years ago

Hello @Hoolite,

The method name is changed: instead of "k", it has become "j". You can either change the rule yourself or download the new one. You have to delete the existing package for Keytrade first then "import rule from internet".

Best regards,

ghost commented 7 years ago

Hi @csu333, Thank you for looking into this. Much appreciated! I am now able to create a softkey, well, almost able to create one. The app crashes at final step when I need to scan a Qr code. Not sure what's causing this.

Kind regards,

csu333 commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately, I don't have a Keytrade account so I can't get that far. To get more information, I would need some logcat. Since your phone is rooted, I guess you could have the requirements already met. You need to:

  1. Have the Android driver installed (or use Linux)
  2. Enable "debug mode"
  3. Have the "adb" software at your disposal

In command line, having your phone connected to an USB port, you can get a whole lot of logging by launching the command: adb logcat You'll see a lot of text going through your screen. When getting the QR code error, you should see the Exception causing the application to crash. This could help me figure out what's the issue there.

If you used KingoRoot or anything like that and that you don't have all the adb stuff, you can still use application like Logcat on your Android device which will just do the same but you have to be a little bit faster switching application because the log is erased pretty quickly.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Hi @csu333,

Thank you for wanting to look in to this. I used the app 'Catlog' to make a log. I hope you can do something with this.

(I cleared log before I started with adding a softkey in the app and quickly pauzed if after the error)

Edit; uploaded text file.


csu333 commented 7 years ago

Oh I see. I didn't though that the new «k» method would have the same signature. Just delete it from the Keytrade package in Surrogate and it should be fine (after killing the Keytrade application).

Le 22 avr. 2017 13:49, à 13:49, Hoolite notifications@github.com a écrit:

Hi @csu333,

Thank you for wanting to look in to this. I used the app 'Catlog' to make a log. I hope you can do something with this.

`04-22 13:36:36.967 D/RecentsTaskLoadPlan(5842): preloadPlan, 2 04-22 13:36:37.887 D/RecentsTaskLoadPlan(5842): preloadPlan, 2 04-22 13:36:37.954 I/ActivityManager(4619): START u0 {act=com.android.systemui.recents.SHOW_RECENTS flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10059 on display 0 04-22 13:36:38.285 I/Timeline(5842): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@6ed9da1 time:15366967 04-22 13:36:38.312 I/Timeline(31378): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@1747cc9 time:15366994 04-22 13:36:38.479 I/Timeline(4619): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{fd8a3b8 u0 be.keytradebank.phone/com.keytrade.phone.register.RegisterActivity t3917} time:15367161 04-22 13:36:39.234 D/RecentsTaskLoadPlan(5842): preloadPlan, 2 04-22 13:36:39.465 I/ActivityManager(4619): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{4cc5c85 u0 com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService} 04-22 13:36:43.341 V/ClClient(31615): SEND(29) KeepAliveRequest_4{} UID:b32721e4-c11c-4c9e-9e47-da1a997fd35e 04-22 13:36:43.453 V/ClClient(31615): RECV(29) +0,1s KeepAliveResponse_5{hasEstablishedSession=true} 04-22 13:36:45.517 I/Gobi (1956): vendor/qcom/proprietary/RIDL/RIDLClient/RIDLSQL.cpp:2500: GetTransState() EBADF 04-22 13:36:45.517 I/Gobi (1956): vendor/qcom/proprietary/RIDL/RIDLClient/MainCore.cpp:1550: Failed to get TransState, rc 9 04-22 13:36:45.517 I/Gobi (1956): vendor/qcom/proprietary/RIDL/RIDLClient/RIDLSQL.cpp:2500: GetTransState() EBADF 04-22 13:36:45.517 I/Gobi (1956): vendor/qcom/proprietary/RIDL/RIDLClient/RIDLSQL.cpp:2500: GetTransState() EBADF 04-22 13:36:48.658 D/HeadsetPhoneState(7206): sendDeviceStateChanged. mService=1 mSignal=4 mRoam=0 mBatteryCharge=4 04-22 13:36:48.659 D/HeadsetStateMachine(7206): Disconnected process message: 11, size: 0 04-22 13:36:48.663 D/PhoneInterfaceManager(6590): [PhoneIntfMgr] getDataEnabled: subId=1 phoneId=0 04-22 13:36:48.663 D/PhoneInterfaceManager(6590): [PhoneIntfMgr] getDataEnabled: subId=1 retVal=true 04-22 13:36:48.663 D/TelephonyManager(5842): getDataEnabled: retVal=true 04-22 13:36:49.367 I/Timeline(31378): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:be.keytradebank.phone time:15378050 04-22 13:36:49.368 I/ActivityManager(4619): START u0 {cmp=be.keytradebank.phone/com.keytrade.swtk.scan.QRCodeScannerActivity (has extras)} from uid 10253 on display 0 04-22 13:36:49.424 I/CameraManagerGlobal(31378): Connecting to camera service 04-22 13:36:49.436 I/CameraService(1905): getCameraCharacteristics: Switching to HAL1 shim implementation... 04-22 13:36:49.436 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getCameraInfo: E cameraId=0 04-22 13:36:49.437 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getCameraInfo: X 04-22 13:36:49.437 I/CameraService(1905): getCameraCharacteristics: Switching to HAL1 shim implementation... 04-22 13:36:49.437 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getCameraInfo: E cameraId=1 04-22 13:36:49.437 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getCameraInfo: X 04-22 13:36:49.437 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getCameraInfo: E cameraId=0 04-22 13:36:49.437 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getCameraInfo: X 04-22 13:36:49.439 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getCameraInfo: E cameraId=0 04-22 13:36:49.439 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getCameraInfo: X 04-22 13:36:49.455 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getCameraInfo: E cameraId=1 04-22 13:36:49.455 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getCameraInfo: X 04-22 13:36:49.457 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getCameraInfo: E cameraId=1 04-22 13:36:49.457 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getCameraInfo: X 04-22 13:36:49.457 W/LegacyMetadataMapper(31378): No AWB modes supported (HAL bug); defaulting to AWB_MODE_AUTO only 04-22 13:36:49.463 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getCameraInfo: E cameraId=0 04-22 13:36:49.463 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getCameraInfo: X 04-22 13:36:49.465 I/CameraService(1905): CameraService::connect call (PID 31378 "be.keytradebank.phone", camera ID 0) for HAL version default and Camera API version 1 04-22 13:36:49.467 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getNumberOfCameras: E 04-22 13:36:49.467 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_Camera_GetNumberOfCameras: HAL_gCameraNum=2 04-22 13:36:49.467 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getNumberOfCameras: X 04-22 13:36:49.467 I/CameraService(1905): onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=0 04-22 13:36:49.467 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getCameraInfo: E cameraId=0 04-22 13:36:49.467 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getCameraInfo: X 04-22 13:36:49.467 W/AudioFlinger(1905): acquireAudioSessionId() unknown client 31378 for session 121 04-22 13:36:49.488 I/ExtendedExtractor(1905): ExtendedExtractor::create 0x0 04-22 13:36:49.495 D/NuPlayerDriver(1905): notifyListener_l(0xab46f600), (1, 0, 0) 04-22 13:36:49.495 W/AudioFlinger(1905): acquireAudioSessionId() unknown client 31378 for session 122 04-22 13:36:49.506 I/ExtendedExtractor(1905): ExtendedExtractor::create 0x0 04-22 13:36:49.520 D/NuPlayerDriver(1905): notifyListener_l(0xab46f840), (1, 0, 0) 04-22 13:36:49.520 W/AudioFlinger(1905): acquireAudioSessionId() unknown client 31378 for session 123 04-22 13:36:49.529 I/ExtendedExtractor(1905): ExtendedExtractor::create 0x0 04-22 13:36:49.546 D/NuPlayerDriver(1905): notifyListener_l(0xab46fae0), (1, 0, 0) 04-22 13:36:49.549 I/CameraClient(1905): Opening camera 0 04-22 13:36:49.549 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getCameraInfo: E cameraId=0 04-22 13:36:49.549 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getCameraInfo: X 04-22 13:36:49.549 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_openCameraHardware: E cameraId=0 04-22 13:36:49.550 W/ServiceManager(1905): Permission failure: com.sonyericsson.permission.CAMERA_EXTENDED from uid=10253 pid=31378 04-22 13:36:49.550 I/libcamera(1905): openCameraHardware was requested by non Sony camera app 04-22 13:36:49.550 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getNumberOfCameras: E 04-22 13:36:49.550 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_Camera_GetNumberOfCameras: HAL_gCameraNum=2 04-22 13:36:49.550 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getNumberOfCameras: X 04-22 13:36:49.550 E/QCOM PowerHAL(1905): Invalid hint ID. 04-22 13:36:49.555 I/cald (1905): 15378238085257 cald_server.c
(859) 1905 I [INF] Cald_Server_ICameraServer_Start 04-22 13:36:49.568 W/ActivityManager(4619): Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.google.android.apps.photos/.cameraassistant.CameraAssistantService (has extras) } U=0: not found 04-22 13:36:49.688 E/cald (1905): 15378370907653 excal_param_mgr.cpp (521) 1905 E [EXC] [COMP] [ParamMgr 000] Invalid ID. ID: 29 04-22 13:36:49.689 E/cald (1905): 15378371987549 excal_param_mgr.cpp (521) 1905 E [EXC] [COMP] [ParamMgr 000] Invalid ID. ID: -1 04-22 13:36:49.720 E/cald (1905): 15378402704423 excal_param_mgr.cpp (521) 1905 E [EXC] [COMP] [ParamMgr 000] Invalid ID. ID: 40 04-22 13:36:49.720 E/cald (1905): 15378403136715 excal_param_mgr.cpp (521) 1905 E [EXC] [COMP] [ParamMgr 000] Invalid ID. ID: 41 04-22 13:36:49.722 E/cald (1905): 15378405341663 excal_param_mgr.cpp (521) 1905 E [EXC] [COMP] [ParamMgr 000] Invalid ID. ID: -1 04-22 13:36:49.723 E/cald (1905): 15378405693225 excal_param_mgr.cpp (521) 1905 E [EXC] [COMP] [ParamMgr 000] Invalid ID. ID: 29 04-22 13:36:49.724 E/cald (1905): 15378406943121 excal_param_mgr.cpp (521) 1905 E [EXC] [COMP] [ParamMgr 000] Invalid ID. ID: -1 04-22 13:36:49.736 E/cald (1905): 15378418883590 excal_param_mgr.cpp (521) 1905 E [EXC] [COMP] [ParamMgr 000] Invalid ID. ID: -1 04-22 13:36:49.736 E/cald (1905): 15378419271715 excal_param_mgr.cpp (521) 1905 E [EXC] [COMP] [ParamMgr 000] Invalid ID. ID: 34 04-22 13:36:49.737 E/cald (1905): 15378419618173 excal_param_mgr.cpp (521) 1905 E [EXC] [COMP] [ParamMgr 000] Invalid ID. ID: 35 04-22 13:36:49.738 E/cald (1905): 15378420565205 excal_param_mgr.cpp (521) 1905 E [EXC] [COMP] [ParamMgr 000] Invalid ID. ID: 36 04-22 13:36:49.738 E/cald (1905): 15378421211351 excal_param_mgr.cpp (521) 1905 E [EXC] [COMP] [ParamMgr 000] Invalid ID. ID: -1 04-22 13:36:49.739 E/cald (1905): 15378422299007 excal_param_mgr.cpp (145) 1905 E [EXC] [COMP] [ParamMgr 000] Class: DebugMgrParam Size: 1383120/2072 StructVer: 0x00000002/0x00000003 04-22 13:36:49.739 E/cald (1905): 15378422359007 excal_param_mgr.cpp (145) 1905 E [EXC] [COMP] [ParamMgr 000] Class: DebugMgrParam Size: 1383120/2072 StructVer: 0x00000002/0x00000003 04-22 13:36:49.739 E/cald (1905): 15378422435726 excal_param_mgr.cpp (145) 1905 E [EXC] [COMP] [ParamMgr 000] Class: DebugMgrParam Size: 1383120/2072 StructVer: 0x00000002/0x00000003 04-22 13:36:49.739 E/cald (1905): 15378422474632 excal_param_mgr.cpp (145) 1905 E [EXC] [COMP] [ParamMgr 000] Class: DebugMgrParam Size: 1383120/2072 StructVer: 0x00000002/0x00000003 04-22 13:36:49.740 E/cald (1905): 15378422515726 excal_param_mgr.cpp (145) 1905 E [EXC] [COMP] [ParamMgr 000] Class: DebugMgrParam Size: 1383120/2072 StructVer: 0x00000002/0x00000003 04-22 13:36:49.740 E/cald (1905): 15378422553121 excal_param_mgr.cpp (145) 1905 E [EXC] [COMP] [ParamMgr 000] Class: DebugMgrParam Size: 1383120/2072 StructVer: 0x00000002/0x00000003 04-22 13:36:49.742 I/cald (1905): 15378425065517 cald_server.c
(888) 1905 I [INF] Server is created. (0) 04-22 13:36:49.742 I/cald (1905): 15378425105257 cald_server.c
(893) 1905 I [INF] Server ref counter = 1 04-22 13:36:49.742 I/cald (1905): 15378425140882 cald_client.c
(1837) 1905 I [INF] + Cald_Client_Constructor 04-22 13:36:49.744 I/cald (1905): 15378426667757 cald_client.c
(1908) 1905 I [INF] - Cald_Client_Constructor (0) 04-22 13:36:49.744 I/cald (1905): 15378426703538 cald_client.c
(2051) 1905 I [INF] Cald_Client_Create 04-22 13:36:49.744 I/cald (1905): 15378426742444 cald_client.c
(349) 1905 I [INF] + Cald_Client_ICamera_ReserveCamera index[0x1] priority[0] pICBCamera[0xb430d330] userData[0xab8aa000] 04-22 13:36:49.749 I/cald (1905): 15378431699215 excal_hal_ctrl.cpp (641) 32108 I [EXC] [COMP] [HalCtrl 010] + HalCtrl::onInit 04-22 13:36:49.752 I/cald (1905): 15378434758278 excal_hal_ctrl.cpp (709) 32108 I [EXC] [COMP] [HalCtrl 010] - HalCtrl::onInit 0 04-22 13:36:49.779 E/cald (1905): 15378461778746 excal_param_mgr.cpp (145) 32108 E [EXC] [COMP] [ParamMgr 000] Class: StreamingCtrlParam Size: 6664/20 StructVer: 0x00000003/0x00000001 04-22 13:36:49.818 I/cald (1905): 15378501165726 excal_hal_ctrl.cpp (1766) 32110 I [EXC] [COMP] [HalCtrl 010] + HalCtrl::changeInitToReady 04-22 13:36:49.823 I/cald (1905): 15378505849215 cald_client.c
(374) 1905 I [INF] - Cald_Client_ICamera_ReserveCamera (0) 04-22 13:36:49.974 E/mm-camera-intf(1905): mm_camera_open: opened, break out while loop 04-22 13:36:49.987 I/cald (1905): 15378670458017 excal_hal_ctrl.cpp (1783) 32110 I [EXC] [COMP] [HalCtrl 010] - HalCtrl::changeInitToReady 0 04-22 13:36:50.022 E/cald (1905): 15378705119892 excal_cam_ctrl.cpp (2972) 32108 E [EXC] [COMP] [CamCtrl 056] Not Found primary supportedSize[4000 x 3000] 04-22 13:36:50.031 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_openCameraHardware: X created hardware=0xab8aa000 04-22 13:36:50.090 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getCameraInfo: E cameraId=0 04-22 13:36:50.090 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getCameraInfo: X 04-22 13:36:50.095 W/ServiceManager(1905): Permission failure: com.sonyericsson.permission.CAMERA_EXTENDED from uid=10253 pid=31378 04-22 13:36:50.095 W/ServiceManager(1905): Permission failure: com.sonyericsson.permission.CAMERA_EXTENDED from uid=10253 pid=31378 04-22 13:36:50.111 I/cald (1905): 15378793772601 cald_client.c
(540) 5756 I [INF] + Cald_Client_ICamera_StartPreview 04-22 13:36:50.111 I/cald (1905): 15378793835986 cald_client.c
(562) 5756 I [INF] StartPreview param pBuf[0]:0xa3df4000 04-22 13:36:50.111 I/cald (1905): 15378793876403 cald_client.c
(562) 5756 I [INF] StartPreview param pBuf[1]:0xa3d75000 04-22 13:36:50.111 I/cald (1905): 15378793913538 cald_client.c
(562) 5756 I [INF] StartPreview param pBuf[2]:0xa3cf5000 04-22 13:36:50.111 I/cald (1905): 15378793950257 cald_client.c
(562) 5756 I [INF] StartPreview param pBuf[3]:0xa3c75000 04-22 13:36:50.111 I/cald (1905): 15378793988121 cald_client.c
(562) 5756 I [INF] StartPreview param pBuf[4]:0xa3bf5000 04-22 13:36:50.111 I/cald (1905): 15378794341923 excal_buf_mgr.cpp
(412) 32108 I [EXC] [COMP] [BufMgr 003] RegisterBufID:0,fmt=0x00000020,img_sz=720x480,n=5,buf_sz=0.49MB 04-22 13:36:50.122 I/cald (1905): 15378805020309 excal_buf_mgr.cpp
(365) 32152 I [EXC] [COMP] [BufMgr 003] AllocBufID:15,fmt=0x00000020,img_sz=768x512,uc=0x00010003,n=7,buf_sz=0.56MB 04-22 13:36:50.128 I/cald (1905): 15378810783799 excal_buf_mgr.cpp
(365) 32152 I [EXC] [COMP] [BufMgr 003] AllocBufID:17,fmt=0x00000020,img_sz=768x512,uc=0x00010013,n=7,buf_sz=0.56MB 04-22 13:36:50.132 I/cald (1905): 15378815268278 excal_buf_mgr.cpp
(365) 32118 I [EXC] [COMP] [BufMgr 003] AllocBufID:18,fmt=0x00000020,img_sz=768x512,uc=0x00010002,n=3,buf_sz=0.56MB 04-22 13:36:50.133 W/cald (1905): 15378816320517 excal_image_conv.cpp (1088) 32122 W [EXC] [COMP] [ImageConv 021] not started 04-22 13:36:50.133 W/cald (1905): 15378816417132 excal_image_conv.cpp (1088) 32122 W [EXC] [COMP] [ImageConv 021] not started 04-22 13:36:50.133 W/cald (1905): 15378816476715 excal_image_conv.cpp (1088) 32122 W [EXC] [COMP] [ImageConv 021] not started 04-22 13:36:50.134 E/mm-camera-intf(1905): Done enumerating media entities 04-22 13:36:50.134 E/mm-camera-intf(1905): Done enumerating media entities 04-22 13:36:50.156 I/cald (1905): 15378839461767 excal_hal_ctrl.cpp (1799) 32110 I [EXC] [COMP] [HalCtrl 010] + HalCtrl::changeReadyToStreaming 04-22 13:36:50.171 E/mm-camera-intf(1905): mm_stream_request_buf: buf_num = 3, stream type = 9 04-22 13:36:50.185 I/cammw (1905): I: cammw_camera_port_prepare: add channel ch_id = 5633 04-22 13:36:50.185 I/cammw (1905): I: cammw_camera_add_stream: Add stream stream_id = 5888 04-22 13:36:50.187 I/cammw (1905): I: cammw_camera_port_prepare: stream = 0xa10c0258 s_id = 5888 04-22 13:36:50.187 I/cammw (1905): I: cammw_camera_port_prepare: config stream info format = 2 width = 768 height = 512 04-22 13:36:50.188 I/cammw (1905): I: cammw_camera_port_prepare: add channel ch_id = 5633 04-22 13:36:50.188 I/cammw (1905): I: cammw_camera_add_stream: Add stream stream_id = 6145 04-22 13:36:50.189 I/cammw (1905): I: cammw_camera_port_prepare: stream = 0xa10ccac4 s_id = 6145 04-22 13:36:50.189 I/cammw (1905): I: cammw_camera_port_prepare: config stream info format = 2 width = 768 height = 512 04-22 13:36:50.199 E/mm-camera-intf(1905): mm_stream_request_buf: buf_num = 7, stream type = 1 04-22 13:36:50.220 E/mm-camera-intf(1905): mm_stream_request_buf: buf_num = 7, stream type = 4 04-22 13:36:50.243 I/cald (1905): 15378926469632 excal_hal_ctrl.cpp (2198) 32110 I [EXC] [COMP] [HalCtrl 010] + HalCtrl::notifyStreamingReadyEvt 04-22 13:36:50.244 I/cald (1905): 15378926630100 excal_hal_ctrl.cpp (2201) 32110 I [EXC] [COMP] [HalCtrl 010] - HalCtrl::notifyStreamingReadyEvt 04-22 13:36:50.244 I/cald (1905): 15378926688434 excal_hal_ctrl.cpp (1821) 32110 I [EXC] [COMP] [HalCtrl 010] - HalCtrl::changeReadyToStreaming 0 04-22 13:36:50.244 I/cald (1905): 15378926757652 cald_client.c
(580) 5756 I [INF] - Cald_Client_ICamera_StartPreview (0) 04-22 13:36:50.245 I/cald (1905): 15378927997600 cald_client.c
(949) 5757 I [INF] + Cald_Client_ICamera_StartAutoLock lockAF[1] lockAE[0] lockAWB[0] 04-22 13:36:50.245 I/cald (1905): 15378928078590 cald_client.c
(970) 5757 I [INF] - Cald_Client_ICamera_StartAutoLock (0) 04-22 13:36:50.271 I/ActivityManager(4619): Displayed be.keytradebank.phone/com.keytrade.swtk.scan.QRCodeScannerActivity: +889ms 04-22 13:36:50.282 I/cald (1905): 15378965164007 excal_hal_ctrl.cpp (2175) 32110 I [EXC] [COMP] [HalCtrl 010] Received first frame of StreamingA 04-22 13:36:50.315 I/Timeline(31378): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@bacde4c time:15378997 04-22 13:36:50.392 D/RecentsTaskLoadPlan(5842): preloadPlan, 2 04-22 13:36:50.417 I/cald (1905): 15379099535152 excal_hal_ctrl.cpp (2175) 32110 I [EXC] [COMP] [HalCtrl 010] Received first frame of StreamingB 04-22 13:36:50.441 I/cald (1905): 15379124130413 cald_client.c
(1537) 32109 I [INF] + Cald_ICBCamera_PreviewReadyFunc_t w[720] h[480] format[0x00000004] pBase[0xa3df4000] process[0x00000000] 04-22 13:36:50.441 I/libcamera(1905): Camera 0 Preview average frame rate : 0.0052 (fps) 04-22 13:36:50.458 I/cald (1905): 15379140740830 cald_client.c
(1542) 32109 I [INF] - Cald_ICBCamera_PreviewReadyFunc_t 04-22 13:36:50.465 I/Timeline(4619): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{b900e3a u0 be.keytradebank.phone/com.keytrade.swtk.scan.QRCodeScannerActivity t3917} time:15379147 04-22 13:36:50.782 W/cald (1905): 15379464637705 af_control.h
(666) 32148 W [3_A] Max shutter on max framerate 33670 : Lens move margin 7000.000000 : Shtter speed 16671 04-22 13:36:50.789 I/cald (1905): 15379471693121 cald_client.c
(1671) 32109 I [INF] + Cald_ICBCamera_AutoLockDoneFunc_t result[0] focusStatusBits[0x00000001] 04-22 13:36:50.789 I/cald (1905): 15379471921871 cald_client.c
(1673) 32109 I [INF] - Cald_ICBCamera_AutoLockDoneFunc_t 04-22 13:36:51.204 I/m.android.phone(6590): type=1400 audit(0.0:6835): avc: denied { call } for scontext=u:r:zygote:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=binder permissive=1 ppid=1943 pcomm="main" tgid=1943 tgcomm="main" 04-22 13:36:51.219 D/HeadsetPhoneState(7206): sendDeviceStateChanged. mService=1 mSignal=5 mRoam=0 mBatteryCharge=4 04-22 13:36:51.219 D/HeadsetStateMachine(7206): Disconnected process message: 11, size: 0 04-22 13:36:51.225 D/PhoneInterfaceManager(6590): [PhoneIntfMgr] getDataEnabled: subId=1 phoneId=0 04-22 13:36:51.225 D/PhoneInterfaceManager(6590): [PhoneIntfMgr] getDataEnabled: subId=1 retVal=true 04-22 13:36:51.226 D/TelephonyManager(5842): getDataEnabled: retVal=true 04-22 13:36:51.827 I/cald (1905): 15380509624058 cald_client.c
(949) 5767 I [INF] + Cald_Client_ICamera_StartAutoLock lockAF[1] lockAE[0] lockAWB[0] 04-22 13:36:51.827 I/cald (1905): 15380509906506 cald_client.c
(970) 5767 I [INF] - Cald_Client_ICamera_StartAutoLock (0) 04-22 13:36:52.648 I/cald (1905): 15381331303746 cald_client.c
(1671) 32109 I [INF] + Cald_ICBCamera_AutoLockDoneFunc_t result[0] focusStatusBits[0x00000000] 04-22 13:36:52.648 I/cald (1905): 15381331452340 cald_client.c
(1673) 32109 I [INF] - Cald_ICBCamera_AutoLockDoneFunc_t 04-22 13:36:52.654 I/cald (1905): 15381337495204 cald_client.c
(980) 5756 I [INF] + Cald_Client_ICamera_CancelAutoLock 04-22 13:36:52.656 I/cald (1905): 15381338566142 cald_client.c
(998) 5756 I [INF] - Cald_Client_ICamera_CancelAutoLock (0) 04-22 13:36:52.656 I/cald (1905): 15381338816506 cald_client.c
(980) 7531 I [INF] + Cald_Client_ICamera_CancelAutoLock 04-22 13:36:52.656 I/cald (1905): 15381338983173 cald_client.c
(998) 7531 I [INF] - Cald_Client_ICamera_CancelAutoLock (0) 04-22 13:36:52.656 I/cald (1905): 15381339019006 cald_client.c
(590) 7531 I [INF] + Cald_Client_ICamera_StopPreview 04-22 13:36:52.656 I/cald (1905): 15381339045048 cald_client.c
(600) 7531 I [INF] StopPreview previewReadyCnt[67] 04-22 13:36:52.656 I/cald (1905): 15381339241194 excal_hal_ctrl.cpp (1873) 32110 I [EXC] [COMP] [HalCtrl 010] + HalCtrl::changeStreamingToReady 04-22 13:36:52.656 I/cald (1905): 15381339286558 excal_hal_ctrl.cpp (2191) 32110 I [EXC] [COMP] [HalCtrl 010] StreamingA Cnt[71] FPS[29.9057] 04-22 13:36:52.656 I/cald (1905): 15381339322339 excal_hal_ctrl.cpp (2191) 32110 I [EXC] [COMP] [HalCtrl 010] StreamingB Cnt[67] FPS[29.9140] 04-22 13:36:52.672 I/cammw (1905): I: cammw_camera_port_close: del channel ch_id = 5633 04-22 13:36:52.673 E/cald (1905): 15381355685621 excal_cammw_camera_base.cpp (279) 32110 E [EXC] State Error 0 04-22 13:36:52.673 E/cald (1905): 15381355750777 excal_cammw_camera_base.cpp (279) 32110 E [EXC] State Error 0 04-22 13:36:52.674 E/cald (1905): 15381357096194 excal_cammw_camera_base.cpp (279) 32110 E [EXC] State Error 0 04-22 13:36:52.674 I/cald (1905): 15381357479371 excal_hal_ctrl.cpp (1882) 32110 I [EXC] [COMP] [HalCtrl 010] - HalCtrl::changeStreamingToReady 0 04-22 13:36:52.696 W/cald (1905): 15381378390048 excal_comp.cpp
(1587) 32111 W [EXC] [CORE] [IdtCtrl 011] doSendBuffer:Port[3] is not ready 04-22 13:36:52.727 I/cald (1905): 15381409758277 excal_buf_mgr.cpp
(440) 32118 I [EXC] [COMP] [BufMgr 003] FreedBufID:18 04-22 13:36:52.734 I/cald (1905): 15381417260777 excal_buf_mgr.cpp
(440) 32152 I [EXC] [COMP] [BufMgr 003] FreedBufID:15 04-22 13:36:52.745 I/cald (1905): 15381427454683 excal_buf_mgr.cpp
(440) 32152 I [EXC] [COMP] [BufMgr 003] FreedBufID:17 04-22 13:36:52.746 I/cald (1905): 15381428503850 excal_buf_mgr.cpp
(440) 32108 I [EXC] [COMP] [BufMgr 003] FreedBufID:0 04-22 13:36:52.746 I/cald (1905): 15381428660881 cald_client.c
(614) 7531 I [INF] - Cald_Client_ICamera_StopPreview (0) 04-22 13:36:52.757 I/cald (1905): 15381439684475 cald_client.c
(980) 1905 I [INF] + Cald_Client_ICamera_CancelAutoLock 04-22 13:36:52.758 I/cald (1905): 15381440365882 cald_client.c
(998) 1905 I [INF] - Cald_Client_ICamera_CancelAutoLock (0) 04-22 13:36:52.759 I/cald (1905): 15381441527132 cald_client.c
(918) 1905 I [INF] + Cald_Client_ICamera_CancelSnapshot 04-22 13:36:52.759 I/cald (1905): 15381441924267 cald_client.c
(936) 1905 I [INF] - Cald_Client_ICamera_CancelSnapshot (0) 04-22 13:36:52.759 I/libcamera(1905): release: E 04-22 13:36:52.759 I/cald (1905): 15381442166038 cald_client.c
(918) 1905 I [INF] + Cald_Client_ICamera_CancelSnapshot 04-22 13:36:52.760 I/cald (1905): 15381442545673 cald_client.c
(936) 1905 I [INF] - Cald_Client_ICamera_CancelSnapshot (0) 04-22 13:36:52.760 I/libcamera(1905): stopCamera: E 04-22 13:36:52.760 I/cald (1905): 15381442776507 cald_client.c
(415) 1905 I [INF] + Cald_Client_ICamera_ReleaseCamera 04-22 13:36:52.769 I/cald (1905): 15381451797653 excal_buf_mgr.cpp
(440) 32111 I [EXC] [COMP] [BufMgr 003] FreedBufID:14 04-22 13:36:52.781 I/cald (1905): 15381463649059 excal_buf_mgr.cpp
(440) 32111 I [EXC] [COMP] [BufMgr 003] FreedBufID:13 04-22 13:36:52.783 I/cald (1905): 15381465716142 excal_buf_mgr.cpp
(440) 32111 I [EXC] [COMP] [BufMgr 003] FreedBufID:12 04-22 13:36:52.784 I/cald (1905): 15381467324006 excal_buf_mgr.cpp
(440) 32111 I [EXC] [COMP] [BufMgr 003] FreedBufID:11 04-22 13:36:52.788 I/cald (1905): 15381470521142 excal_buf_mgr.cpp
(440) 32147 I [EXC] [COMP] [BufMgr 003] FreedBufID:10 04-22 13:36:52.789 I/cald (1905): 15381471527288 excal_buf_mgr.cpp
(440) 32147 I [EXC] [COMP] [BufMgr 003] FreedBufID:9 04-22 13:36:52.790 I/cald (1905): 15381472822965 excal_buf_mgr.cpp
(440) 32147 I [EXC] [COMP] [BufMgr 003] FreedBufID:8 04-22 13:36:52.854 I/cald (1905): 15381537167235 excal_hal_ctrl.cpp (716) 32108 I [EXC] [COMP] [HalCtrl 010] + HalCtrl::onDeinit 04-22 13:36:52.854 I/cald (1905): 15381537451662 excal_hal_ctrl.cpp (723) 32108 I [EXC] [COMP] [HalCtrl 010] - HalCtrl::onDeinit 04-22 13:36:52.856 I/cald (1905): 15381538552027 cald_client.c
(439) 1905 I [INF] - Cald_Client_ICamera_ReleaseCamera (0) 04-22 13:36:52.856 I/cald (1905): 15381538613850 cald_client.c
(2060) 1905 I [INF] Cald_Client_Delete 04-22 13:36:52.856 I/cald (1905): 15381538663329 cald_client.c
(1918) 1905 I [INF] + Cald_Client_Destructor 04-22 13:36:52.856 I/cald (1905): 15381539065569 cald_client.c
(1928) 1905 I [INF] - Cald_Client_Destructor 04-22 13:36:52.856 I/cald (1905): 15381539127808 cald_server.c
(903) 1905 I [INF] Cald_Server_ICameraServer_Stop 04-22 13:36:52.856 I/cald (1905): 15381539175569 cald_server.c
(911) 1905 I [INF] Server ref counter = 0 04-22 13:36:52.856 I/cald (1905): 15381539225152 cald_server.c
(915) 1905 I [INF] Server is deleted. 04-22 13:36:52.879 I/libcamera(1905): stopCamera: X 04-22 13:36:52.879 I/libcamera(1905): release: X 04-22 13:36:52.882 I/CameraFlashlight(1905): Destroying camera 0 04-22 13:36:52.884 I/CameraService(1905): onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=1 04-22 13:36:52.886 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getNumberOfCameras: E 04-22 13:36:52.886 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_Camera_GetNumberOfCameras: HAL_gCameraNum=2 04-22 13:36:52.886 I/libcamera(1905): HAL_getNumberOfCameras: X 04-22 13:36:52.886 I/CameraService(1905): onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=1 04-22 13:36:52.887 I/CameraService(1905): disconnect: Disconnected client for camera 0 for PID 31378 04-22 13:36:52.889 D/NuPlayerDriver(1905): reset(0xab46f600) 04-22 13:36:52.889 D/NuPlayerDriver(1905): notifyListener_l(0xab46f600), (8, 0, 0) 04-22 13:36:52.889 W/AMessage(1905): failed to post message as target looper for handler 0 is gone. 04-22 13:36:52.891 D/NuPlayerDriver(1905): notifyResetComplete(0xab46f600) 04-22 13:36:52.892 D/NuPlayerDriver(1905): reset(0xab46f840) 04-22 13:36:52.892 D/NuPlayerDriver(1905): notifyListener_l(0xab46f840), (8, 0, 0) 04-22 13:36:52.892 W/AMessage(1905): failed to post message as target looper for handler 0 is gone. 04-22 13:36:52.892 D/NuPlayerDriver(1905): notifyResetComplete(0xab46f840) 04-22 13:36:52.893 D/NuPlayerDriver(1905): reset(0xab46fae0) 04-22 13:36:52.893 D/NuPlayerDriver(1905): notifyListener_l(0xab46fae0), (8, 0, 0) 04-22 13:36:52.893 W/AMessage(1905): failed to post message as target looper for handler 0 is gone. 04-22 13:36:52.893 D/NuPlayerDriver(1905): notifyResetComplete(0xab46fae0) 04-22 13:36:52.950 I/Timeline(31378): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@1747cc9 time:15381632 04-22 13:36:53.099 I/Timeline(4619): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{fd8a3b8 u0 be.keytradebank.phone/com.keytrade.phone.register.RegisterActivity t3917} time:15381782 04-22 13:36:53.228 D/AndroidRuntime(31378): Shutting down VM 04-22 13:36:53.240 E/AndroidRuntime(31378): FATAL EXCEPTION: main 04-22 13:36:53.240 E/AndroidRuntime(31378): Process: be.keytradebank.phone, PID: 31378 04-22 13:36:53.240 E/AndroidRuntime(31378): java.lang.ClassCastException: Couldn't convert result of type java.lang.Boolean to java.lang.String 04-22 13:36:53.240 E/AndroidRuntime(31378): at com.keytrade.swtk.utils.d.k() 04-22 13:36:53.240 E/AndroidRuntime(31378): at com.keytrade.swtk.a.aW(SourceFile:745) 04-22 13:36:53.240 E/AndroidRuntime(31378): at com.keytrade.swtk.register.i.a(SourceFile:156) 04-22 13:36:53.240 E/AndroidRuntime(31378): at com.keytrade.user.auth.a.a(SourceFile:194) 04-22 13:36:53.240 E/AndroidRuntime(31378): at com.keytrade.rest.RESTManager.a(SourceFile:182) 04-22 13:36:53.240 E/AndroidRuntime(31378): at com.keytrade.rest.RESTManager$RequestReceiver.onReceiveResult(SourceFile:38) 04-22 13:36:53.240 E/AndroidRuntime(31378): at android.os.ResultReceiver$MyRunnable.run(ResultReceiver.java:50) 04-22 13:36:53.240 E/AndroidRuntime(31378): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:739) 04-22 13:36:53.240 E/AndroidRuntime(31378): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95) 04-22 13:36:53.240 E/AndroidRuntime(31378): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:234) 04-22 13:36:53.240 E/AndroidRuntime(31378): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5526) 04-22 13:36:53.240 E/AndroidRuntime(31378): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 04-22 13:36:53.240 E/AndroidRuntime(31378): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:726) 04-22 13:36:53.240 E/AndroidRuntime(31378): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:616) 04-22 13:36:53.240 E/AndroidRuntime(31378): at de.robv.android.xposed.XposedBridge.main(XposedBridge.java:102) 04-22 13:36:53.249 D/ActivityManager(4619): New dropbox entry: be.keytradebank.phone, data_app_crash, 60b3e934-793f-4214-a3d3-8d7133ef775f 04-22 13:36:53.253 W/ActivityManager(4619): Force finishing activity be.keytradebank.phone/com.keytrade.phone.register.RegisterActivity 04-22 13:36:53.312 I/OpenGLRenderer(4619): Initialized EGL, version 1.4 04-22 13:36:53.322 W/ContextImpl(28749): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1271 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:604 com.sonyericsson.crashmonitor.MiscTaAdapter.open:90 com.sonyericsson.crashmonitor.service.CrashMonitorService.onInit:127 com.sonyericsson.crashmonitor.service.CrashMonitorService.onHandleIntent:192

04-22 13:36:53.323 V/ClClient(31615): SEND(30) KeepAliveRequest_4{} UID:d6e730b1-8fa5-456d-ac08-f278175c320d 04-22 13:36:53.374 I/pool-10-thread-(32221): type=1400 audit(0.0:6836): avc: denied { call } for scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:r:zygote:s0 tclass=binder permissive=1 ppid=1943 pcomm="main" tgid=28749 tgcomm="on.crashmonitor" 04-22 13:36:53.435 V/ClClient(31615): RECV(30) +0,1s KeepAliveResponse_5{hasEstablishedSession=true} 04-22 13:36:53.762 W/ActivityManager(4619): Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{fd8a3b8 u0 be.keytradebank.phone/com.keytrade.phone.register.RegisterActivity t3917 f} 04-22 13:36:53.781 D/HeadsetPhoneState(7206): sendDeviceStateChanged. mService=1 mSignal=4 mRoam=0 mBatteryCharge=4 04-22 13:36:53.781 D/HeadsetStateMachine(7206): Disconnected process message: 11, size: 0 04-22 13:36:53.785 D/PhoneInterfaceManager(6590): [PhoneIntfMgr] getDataEnabled: subId=1 phoneId=0 04-22 13:36:53.785 D/PhoneInterfaceManager(6590): [PhoneIntfMgr] getDataEnabled: subId=1 retVal=true 04-22 13:36:53.785 D/TelephonyManager(5842): getDataEnabled: retVal=true 04-22 13:36:54.779 D/RecentsTaskLoadPlan(5842): preloadPlan, 2 04-22 13:36:54.825 D/RecentsTaskLoadPlan(5842): preloadPlan, 2 04-22 13:36:54.927 I/ActivityManager(4619): START u0 {act=com.android.systemui.recents.SHOW_RECENTS flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10059 on display 0 04-22 13:36:55.003 D/RecentsTaskLoadPlan(5842): preloadPlan, 2 04-22 13:36:55.065 I/Timeline(5842): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@6ed9da1 time:15383748 04-22 13:36:55.130 I/art (4619): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 23019(1588KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(184KB) LOS objects, 31% free, 34MB/50MB, paused 8.770ms total 202.991ms 04-22 13:36:55.310 I/Timeline(31051): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@e32db8d time:15383993 04-22 13:36:55.500 I/Timeline(4619): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{9deee7 u0 com.nolanlawson.logcat/.LogcatActivity t3916} time:15384182 04-22 13:36:55.527 I/Gobi (1956): vendor/qcom/proprietary/RIDL/RIDLClient/RIDLSQL.cpp:2500: GetTransState() EBADF 04-22 13:36:55.527 I/Gobi (1956): vendor/qcom/proprietary/RIDL/RIDLClient/MainCore.cpp:1550: Failed to get TransState, rc 9 04-22 13:36:55.527 I/Gobi (1956): vendor/qcom/proprietary/RIDL/RIDLClient/RIDLSQL.cpp:2500: GetTransState() EBADF 04-22 13:36:55.527 I/Gobi (1956): vendor/qcom/proprietary/RIDL/RIDLClient/RIDLSQL.cpp:2500: GetTransState() EBADF 04-22 13:36:56.143 D/RecentsTaskLoadPlan(5842): preloadPlan, 2 04-22 13:36:57.910 I/Process (31378): Sending signal. PID: 31378 SIG: 9 04-22 13:36:57.930 V/PhoneStatusBar(5842): setLightsOn(true) 04-22 13:36:57.961 I/WindowState(4619): WIN DEATH: Window{10d59cd u0 be.keytradebank.phone/com.keytrade.phone.register.RegisterActivity} 04-22 13:36:57.961 D/GraphicsStats(4619): Buffer count: 4 04-22 13:36:57.966 I/WindowState(4619): WIN DEATH: Window{f0a40a5 u0 be.keytradebank.phone/com.keytrade.phone.home.DashboardActivity} 04-22 13:36:57.981 W/InputMethodManagerService(4619): Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 31378 uid 10253 04-22 13:36:57.987 I/ActivityManager(4619): Process be.keytradebank.phone (pid 31378) has died 04-22 13:36:58.111 W/AppOps (4619): Finishing op nesting under-run: uid 1000 pkg android code 24 time=0 duration=0 nesting=0 04-22 13:36:58.897 D/PhoneInterfaceManager(6590): [PhoneIntfMgr] getDataEnabled: subId=1 phoneId=0 04-22 13:36:58.897 D/PhoneInterfaceManager(6590): [PhoneIntfMgr] getDataEnabled: subId=1 retVal=true 04-22 13:36:58.899 D/TelephonyManager(5842): getDataEnabled: retVal=true`

-- You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/csu333/Surrogate/issues/9#issuecomment-296367979

ghost commented 7 years ago

Hi @csu333, I'm sorry, I don't completely understand. If I erase the 'k' as method name and save it again, then the softkey isn't available anymore. I'm probably doing it wrong. Sorry.

Kind regards,

csu333 commented 7 years ago

I realize I haven't been to precise and you probably ended up deleting the whole package. So first, you need to reload the rule set from internet again and make sure you can see the Keytrade entry in the app list of Surrogate.

Once you have, click on it. You'll have a screen showing the package name and a list of rules. There should be 2 of them. If my assumption is correct, click on the one showing «Method: k», click on delete then save.

If you only have one, make sure the method is «j». If it shows «k», click on the rule, change the method name to «j» then save twice. Make sure the rule is enabled and it should be fine (hopefully).

Le 22 avr. 2017 17:33, à 17:33, Hoolite notifications@github.com a écrit:

Hi @csu333, I'm sorry, I don't completely understand. If I erase the 'k' as method name and save it again, then the softkey isn't available anymore. I'm probably doing it wrong. Sorry.

Kind regards,

-- You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/csu333/Surrogate/issues/9#issuecomment-296381154

ghost commented 7 years ago

Hi @csu333,

Thank you very much for making it more clear. This really did the trick. I can't thank you enough for your mobility and support. Thank you for making it possible to bypass detection.

Kind regards,