csuermann / virtual-smart-home

Virtual Smart Home Skill for Amazon Alexa and Node-RED
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Deleted devices getting left in the shadow documents #21

Open jpadie opened 5 months ago

jpadie commented 5 months ago

device deleted from alexa, from the node-red flow and from the list of registered devices in the connection node. but remain in the shadow document (and irregularly reappear in alexa discovered devices as a result)

manual editing of the shadow document was necessary to remove them. shadow document metadata is not editable though.

jpadie commented 5 months ago

update: unfortunately editing the shadow document did not stick. all the "phantom" devices are back.

csuermann commented 5 months ago

you can also delete the entire shadow. But if your devices re-appear there, it looks like there is (another?) Node-RED instance recreating them?!