csun22 / Synthetic-Voice-Detection-Vocoder-Artifacts

This repository is related to our Dataset and Detection code from the paper: AI-Synthesized Voice Detection Using Neural Vocoder Artifacts accepted in CVPR Workshop on Media Forensic 2023.
MIT License
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关于您提供的预训练模型在中文测试集上的泛化性能 #11

Closed qingfusheng closed 4 months ago

qingfusheng commented 4 months ago


qingfusheng commented 4 months ago


csun22 commented 4 months ago


Thanks for your question. We have not done any re-training on those methods you mentioned on our DEEPFAKE-O-METER system, and I am sure the author of those methods will be willing to help you with your questions.

For the Chinese context, since all the audio methods we have pre-trained are not trained on the Chinese dataset, you might need to do some re-train process by yourself to increase the accuracy of the models.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.