csun22 / Synthetic-Voice-Detection-Vocoder-Artifacts

This repository is related to our Dataset and Detection code from the paper: AI-Synthesized Voice Detection Using Neural Vocoder Artifacts accepted in CVPR Workshop on Media Forensic 2023.
MIT License
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full script #5

Closed mamarasulovs closed 1 month ago

mamarasulovs commented 4 months ago

Thank you for the awesome project. Could you provide a full script to me (mamarasulovsardor@gmail.com), I would like to do some experiment.


ghost commented 3 months ago

If possible, I am requesting full script too (dmitryblum@tutanota.com) Thank you very much)

BlazJurisic commented 3 months ago

also, to me too please (jurisic.blaz@gmail.com)

csun22 commented 3 months ago

Hi all, I appreciate your interest in my paper. The training code will be published soon after the hold release.