csun22 / Synthetic-Voice-Detection-Vocoder-Artifacts

This repository is related to our Dataset and Detection code from the paper: AI-Synthesized Voice Detection Using Neural Vocoder Artifacts accepted in CVPR Workshop on Media Forensic 2023.
MIT License
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Name of vocoders training datasets #6

Closed Hactogeek closed 1 month ago

Hactogeek commented 3 months ago


Thank you for sharing this dataset.

Would it be possible to have more information on the generation of audios? In particular, the names of the vocoders training datasets used.

Thank you.


csun22 commented 3 months ago

Hi Tony, Those are included in our paper. https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content/CVPR2023W/WMF/html/Sun_AI-Synthesized_Voice_Detection_Using_Neural_Vocoder_Artifacts_CVPRW_2023_paper.html