Closed Lubsey1 closed 4 years ago
Ok I've fixed it. I was inputting 1920x1080 res images, not realising it was trying to scale them up 4x.
UpScaleWhole = 1 # the upsamle scale. It should be noted that our face results are fixed to 512.
Switching that from 4 to 1 has solved the issue.
Ok I've fixed it. I was inputting 1920x1080 res images, not realising it was trying to scale them up 4x.
UpScaleWhole = 1 # the upsamle scale. It should be noted that our face results are fixed to 512.
Switching that from 4 to 1 has solved the issue.
Yes, maybe it needs more time to save the large result.
I'm running through the first 3 steps of whole frames, I can see the RestoreCropFace folder and everything looks fine.
At step 4 it just dies.
############################################################################### ############### Step 4: Paste the Restored Face to the Input Image ############ ###############################################################################
Final Restoring 002124.jpg ^C
I've worked back through running prints and think the offending line is here as nothing gets printed after it, but does before. io.imsave(save_path, merge_img.astype(np.uint8)) line 76
I've checked file paths and they are all correct.