cszn / SRMD

Learning a Single Convolutional Super-Resolution Network for Multiple Degradations (CVPR, 2018) (Matlab)
422 stars 80 forks source link

May provide training code? #3

Open xuanzhangyang opened 6 years ago

xiaojidan commented 6 years ago

hi @cszn can you release your training codes? I find that your all projects lost the training codes, I think you should release them so that we use your training methods and cite your paper

QueeneTam commented 5 years ago

@cszn hi, I am a student who are doing a project about medical imageing, and I have a keen desire on your training code, hope that I can get your response from Email. Thanks a lot!

usmankhalid-developers commented 5 years ago

@cszn please mail the training code as i would like to use it in my research. Thanks

cszn commented 5 years ago

I will release the training code in this month. You may refer to the training code of FFDNet for now since they share the same idea.

cszn commented 5 years ago

A PyTorch Implementation of SRMD

oobbppoo commented 5 years ago

@cszn Hi,will you release the training code with Matconvnet version?

JayMarx commented 5 years ago

@cszn Would you please release the training code? Thanks!

Fatma-ALbluwi commented 5 years ago

Hi, will you release the training code with Matconvnet version? Thanks!

cszn commented 5 years ago

@xuanzhangyang @xiaojidan @QueeneTam @usmankhalid-developers https://github.com/cszn/SRMD/tree/master/TrainingCodes

cszn commented 4 years ago

new training code based on PyTorch https://github.com/cszn/KAIR