ct-Open-Source / ct-Smart-Home

A ready-to-use Node-RED setup for home automation
GNU General Public License v2.0
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NodeRed Container startet nicht #17

Closed nibbsification closed 4 years ago

nibbsification commented 5 years ago

Hallo allerseits,

ich versuche das ct-smart-home "out of the box" zu nutzen. Laufen soll es auf einem Raspi 3B+, auf dem schon andere Container erfolgreich laufen (unifi, portainer). Grundsätzlich gehe ich also davon aus, dass docker auf diesem Gerät funktioniert. Raspbian ist aktuell (sudo apt update / sudo apt upgrade durchgeführt).

Nach dem Start sehe ich in Portainer, dass beide Container laufen:

Mosquitto funktioniert wunderbar, er hat mein bisher genutzten, nicht im Container laufenden Mosquitto nahtlos abgelöst. Bei Nodered komme ich aber nicht weiter. In einer Endlosschleife werden im Log Meldungen ausgegeben, deren Ursache ich mit den verschiedenen Suchmaschinen leider nicht auf die Spur gekommen bin. Auch zeigt Portainer keinen Port für diesen Container an, schon mal ein schlechtes Zeichen. Auch über <ip>:1880 finde ich keine Seite zum bedienen von NodeRed.

Was mache ich falsch?

Hier die Fehlermeldung-Endlosschleife:

2019-08-12 15:02:46,198 INFO success: node-red entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)

> ctnodered@1.0.0 start /usr/src/node-red
> node $NODE_OPTIONS node_modules/node-red/red.js -v $FLOWS "--userDir" "/data"

2019-08-12 15:02:48,011 INFO exited: node-red (exit status 1; not expected)
2019-08-12 15:02:49,020 INFO spawned: 'node-red' with pid 71
nibbsification commented 5 years ago

Falls es helfen mag. Der Fehler geht schon zu Beginn los:

2019-08-12 18:00:46,179 CRIT Set uid to user 0,
2019-08-12 18:00:46,193 INFO supervisord started with pid 1,
2019-08-12 18:00:47,200 INFO spawned: 'dbus' with pid 8,
2019-08-12 18:00:47,210 INFO spawned: 'avahi' with pid 9,
2019-08-12 18:00:47,218 INFO spawned: 'node-red' with pid 10,
2019-08-12 18:00:47,229 INFO spawned: 'cleanup' with pid 11,
2019-08-12 18:00:47,283 INFO exited: cleanup (exit status 1; not expected),
2019-08-12 18:00:47,286 INFO gave up: cleanup entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly,
> ctnodered@1.0.0 start /usr/src/node-red,
> node $NODE_OPTIONS node_modules/node-red/red.js -v $FLOWS "--userDir" "/data",
2019-08-12 18:00:48,472 INFO success: dbus entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs),
2019-08-12 18:00:48,473 INFO success: avahi entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs),
2019-08-12 18:00:48,473 INFO success: node-red entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs),
2019-08-12 18:00:50,238 INFO exited: node-red (exit status 1; not expected),
2019-08-12 18:00:51,246 INFO spawned: 'node-red' with pid 29,

Edit: Weitere Infos aus der Image-Info von Portainer Für Mosquitto Build | Docker 18.06.1-ce on linux, arm Für NodeRed Build | Docker 18.03.1-ee-3 on linux, amd64

Nach der Löschung des Images und erneutem Ausführen von ./start.sh start sehe ichCPU architecture is: arm, an der Darstellung oben ändert sich nichts. hat das "amd64" in diesem Zusammenhang etwas zu bedeuten?

8xiom commented 5 years ago

Runs without problems here on a Pi 3B+. Do you have the latest version of docker-compose installed? I would recommend a new and fresh start with a new folder into which the git repository should then be pulled.

nibbsification commented 5 years ago

Hi there, thanks for the tip! It seems, that I'm running on an older version of docker-compose: docker-compose version 1.23.2, build 1110ad0 Checking how to update now. sudo apt-get update/upgrade didn't help.

Edit: Unfortunately the upgrade of docker-compose didn't help.

8xiom commented 5 years ago

If I remember correctly (currently not able to check on my Raspi) I installed docker-compose via pip (Python) directly rather than using the Raspbian package manager. If I'm not mistaken this is the recommended way.

nibbsification commented 5 years ago

Thanks, that's what I've done too. uninstall first, then fresh install. docker-compose version output:

docker-compose version 1.24.1, build 4667896
docker-py version: 3.7.3
CPython version: 3.5.3
OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.0k  28 May 2019

I still get the same message and the node-red is not starting. And ./data/nodered is empty. So no further logs to be investigated. :(

Edit: Starting nodered with docker run -it -p 1880:1880 -v ~/node-red-data:/data --name mynodered nodered/node-red-docker:rpi separately worked out of the box.

merlinschumacher commented 4 years ago

Did you checkout the devel branch or the master branch?