ct-Open-Source / tuya-convert

A collection of scripts to flash Tuya IoT devices to alternative firmwares
MIT License
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Teckin SP22 not flashable anymore with update 1.0.7 #197

Closed sebastianklein96 closed 4 years ago

sebastianklein96 commented 5 years ago

I'm hereby reporting another device that can not be OTA-flashed anymore after the newest Tuya update.

Device: Teckin SP22 WIFI Firmware v1.0.7 MCU Firmware v1.0.7

Tuya-convert is running on a RPi3 with a fresh install of Raspbian. An Android smartphone is connected for Smartconfig to work properly.

With the newest update applied, the device briefly establishes a connection with the vtrust-flash WiFi network broadcasted by my RPi3 but then immediately disassociates.

I have attached the four log files from tuya-connect as well as a pcap file containing all traffic captured on wlan0 during the process. The pcap file and the log files are from the same flashing attempt. The pcap is zipped since Github does not allow uploading pcaps.

Summary of the information extracted from logs and pcap as far as I can understand it: SP22 is referenced as Espressi_c2:eb:b5. Its full MAC address is 60:01:94:C2:EB:B5. My phone's (OnePlus 6) MAC address is 64:A2:F9:82:FE:F3.

I followed the instructions bit by bit and in my opinion the dnsmasq blocking is working. When I try to visit a3.tuyaus.com from the connected phone, I'm just greeted with dnsmasq's hello world page. This seems to prove the theory that Tuya devices are now trying to communicate via SSL and are disassociating immediately when an invalid packet is received.

If more information is required I'm happy to deliver. Sadly I'm not able to solder to the ESP8266 since the case is glued.

smarthack-mqtt.log smarthack-smartconfig.log smarthack-web.log smarthack-wifi.log capture.zip

sebastianklein96 commented 5 years ago

I have just ordered another fresh batch of six SP22s.

When they arrive I'll try to flash them with Tuya Convert directly out of the box using only devices that are not connected to the internet in any way to prevent any firmware upgrades or successfull DNS requests.

I'm expecting to get devices with a firmware version that is still flashable. I'll still capture all network traffic generated in the procedure and provide it + logs as above.

I'll also provide the backed up bin files and maybe I'll sacrifice one of the already updated plugs to see if I can extract the newer firmware.

For everyone looking to buy any: get the three pack on Amazon DE right now. They're 35€ for the three pack with a 10€ coupon code that is offered directly on the product page until 21st of May, so you're effectively paying 8€ a pop. Then you can wait for a Tuya connect fix for 30 days return period or you're lucky and might get ones with old firmware.

probonopd commented 5 years ago

I have received exactly this thee pack from Amazon DE today and have flashed them successfully before they had any chance to connect to the Internet. I have backups of the original firmware in case anyone needs it.

sebastianklein96 commented 5 years ago

I've foolishly made the mistake of connecting them to the app first to see if they work. All four I had... Obviously they got the update immediately.

We should probably both update this issue as we gather new information since finding someone with the same hardware seems to be quite rare.

probonopd commented 5 years ago

I've foolishly made the mistake of connecting them to the app first to see if they work. All four I had... Obviously they got the update immediately.

Hence, I hope https://github.com/ct-Open-Source/tuya-convert/pull/198 will get merged.

sebastianklein96 commented 5 years ago

I have received the new batch of SP22s this morning and am happy to report that flashing them out of the box with the provided Tasmota 6.5.0 bin works like a charm. Afterwards I connected them to my Wifi and configured them for the Teckin (52) template. Power meter and switching works, only the reported voltage has an offset.

Attached you'll find log files, the network traffic captured on wlan0 during the flash and the original bin files.

I was not able to pry open one of the devices with the new Tuya firmware. They're so well glued together that the ESP8266 would be destroyed trying to open them. If at all, they can be opened from the back. But there's a lip in the injection mold that stops one from inserting any prying tools further than 1mm. So the only option would be sawing them open, which I don't have the appropriate tools for.

device-info-6f77.txt smarthack-mqtt.log smarthack-smartconfig.log smarthack-web.log smarthack-wifi.log pcap and bin.zip

probonopd commented 5 years ago

Do the red and blue LEDs behave correctly for your SP22s with the Teckin (52) template @sebastianklein96?

haselchen commented 5 years ago


Step by Step Instructions for Noobs? 😊

sebastianklein96 commented 5 years ago

Do the red and blue LEDs behave correctly for your SP22s with the Teckin (52) template

@probonopd Yes, they do. I didn't change anything except for calibrating the power measurements and it works like a charm. Did you flash the Tasmota bin that was delivered with tuya-convert? Tuya-convert ships with Sonoff Basic. Maybe replace the sonoff-basic.bin in ~/tuya-convert/files/ with the sonoff.bin from the newest Tasmota release.

Step by Step Instructions for Noobs? 😊

@haselchen Well the instructions are already in the README of this project. I set up a fresh install of Raspbian on my RPi3, cloned the repository, installed the dependencies using the install script. Afterwards I ran the ./start_flash script, connected a laptop to the vtrust-flash wifi network, plugged in the SP22, waited about five seconds for it to boot and then held the button for about 7 seconds until the led started to flash blue. Then I hit enter in the flash script. Took about 10 seconds until the plug was recognized and the firmware dump began. Afterwards I just did the curl and curl . A new wifi popped up from the plug and I connected to it with the laptop, navigated to and put in my wifi information.

probonopd commented 5 years ago

@sebastianklein96 it is all working now for me; I had not entered my MQTT server details yet and this is why it was flashing blue. Now the LEDs are working properly.

haselchen commented 5 years ago


Whats the different between this way and the normal way of tuya convert flash? I bought a Digoo Plug . But the WiFi Version is 1.1.1 So the normal way of Flashing with Tuya Convert fails.

sebastianklein96 commented 5 years ago

@sebastianklein96 it is all working now for me; I had not entered my MQTT server details yet and this is why it was flashing blue. Now the LEDs are working properly.

@probonopd Glad to hear that!

Whats the different between this way and the normal way of tuya convert flash? I bought a Digoo Plug . But the WiFi Version is 1.1.1 So the normal way of Flashing with Tuya Convert fails.

@haselchen I literally followed the instructions provided in the Tuya Convert Readme. The description that I gave earlier is just me following those instructions.

In which way does the flash of your Digoo plug fail? Did you update its firmware or connect it to the internet before attempting the flash?

haselchen commented 5 years ago

I wanted to flash the plug as always. Step by step following the instructions as always. The leds are blinking , ready for flashing. So i hit Enter. After ca. 3seconds. the Plug makes "klick" and the leds are off. Plug is back to normal mode. I think it is because of the new firmware. (WIFI 1.1.1) Every owner of a tuya device describes the current failure during flashing. (Plug is now connected with the Tuya App, because I want to use it)

Why does it work for you with the firmware over 1.0.5?

(Can we also treat the problem in German?)

probonopd commented 5 years ago

It only works if you do the flash directly with factory-new devices that have never accessed the Internet or the app, because they update themselves to a new firmware from the factory after which they can no longer be flashed with tuya-convert.

(German: Es funktioniert nur direkt mit fabrikneuen Geräten, die noch nie mit dem Internet oder der App verbunden waren, weil sie sich sonst von selbst auf eine neue Firmware des Herstellers aktualisieren, mit der sie nicht mehr mit tuya-convert geflasht werden können.)

sebastianklein96 commented 5 years ago

As probonopd said, it only works if the plugs didn't have any chance to receive an update. The devices I used for updating all did not have an internet connection and therefor the plugs could be flashed since they had no way to update.

-German- Wie Probonopd es gesagt hat. Du musst auf jeden Fall verhindern, dass die Geräte irgend eine Internetverbindung haben. Ich tippe mal, dass der dnsmasq Filter, der mit Tuya Convert ausgeliefert wird, nicht mehr greift, weil die Geräte jetzt über SSL kommunizieren. Auch, wenn der Tipp unethisch ist: falls du den Stecker bei Amazon gekauft hast, melde eine Retoure an und kauf den selben Stecker noch mal. Vielleicht hast du Glück und der neue Stecker kommt mit der alten Firmware. Dann kannst du mit Geräten ohne Internetzugang flashen.

haselchen commented 5 years ago

I bought the double socket at Banggood. I think that only devices with new firmware are delivered.
I've connected it to the app now. In your opinion, is there a possibility that despite connecting to Tuya, a flash (if a solution was found) is still possible?

-German- Hab die Doppelsteckdose bei Banggood gekauft. Ich denke, dass nur noch Geräte mit neuer Firmware ausgeliefert werden. Weil ich die Dose benutzen will, habe ich sie natürlich jetzt mit der App verbunden. Besteht deines Erachtens die Möglichkeit, dass trotz Verbindung zu Tuya, ein Flash (wenn eine Lösung gefunden wurde) noch möglich ist?

sebastianklein96 commented 5 years ago

With the current version of Tuya Convert, I don't think it's possible. The developers are already looking into ways to circumvent the new security measures though. But I don't have any insight on how long that will take. It's probably gonna be a while since they literally have to emulate Tuya's SSL responses as far as I understand. I think your safest bet would be to get rid of the plugs you have now if that is still possible (don't know banggoods return policy).

-German- Mit der aktuellen Version von Tuya Convert wird das wohl nichts. Allerdings suchen die Entwickler wohl schon Wege, die neuen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen von Tuya zu umgehen. Keine Ahnung, ob und wann das was wird. Ich würde aber sagen, dass es nen Moment dauern wird, SSL-Verschlüsselung zu reverse engineeren. Wenn du kannst, sieh zu dass du die Stecker wieder los wirst und dir Ersatz besorgst, von dem du weißt dass er flashbar ist oder den du einfach zurück geben kannst. Wie gesagt, aktuell ist das Dreierpack SP22 auf Amazon noch für 25€ zu haben und die die ich bekommen habe, waren flashbar (vorausgesetzt, man gibt ihnen keine Möglichkeit, vor dem Flash ins Internet zu kommen).

eterpstra commented 5 years ago

I have received 4 x SP111 Go-sund sockets. The sockets havent connected to the internet yet. Alltough i have succefully flashed 1 device, the other 3 are not working :(

Same as @haselchen (The leds are blinking , ready for flashing. So i hit Enter. After ca. 3seconds. the Plug makes "klick" and the leds are off. Plug is back to normal mode.)

I don't know how one 1 plug was flashed succes, the other three are not working.

ngdio commented 5 years ago

Can't flash Teckin FL41 either. Same issue

eterpstra commented 5 years ago

Is there a way to check the firmware without using the app?

Xan8 commented 5 years ago

I just bought 4 teckin sp22 and i can't flash them. I didn't connected them to the internet, I just plug them in and when tuya converter is searching (. . . . .) the blinking led of the plug stops blinking. Shoud I return them (Amazon) or do u thing this will be solved soon (less than 1 month)?

sebastianklein96 commented 5 years ago

@Xan8 just keep an eye on this repository and see if some development is done. If not, just return them before the end of your return period.

Nobody except for the developers can say if and when this tool will be updated.

eterpstra commented 5 years ago

@sebastianklein96 But soldering is still possible right?

sebastianklein96 commented 5 years ago

@eterpstra I don't know anything about that. But if I had to guess, I'd say it should still be possible since I don't know of a way to "write-protect" an esp8266's flash memory. Just guessing though.

baldfox commented 5 years ago

Any way to set up an alert so that we would know when a newer version of Tuya convert is uploaded? I have a bricked Teckin SP22 at the moment, but don't want to crack it open due to it being used with mains power etc... (don't feel comfortable trying to seal and glue it all back together afterwards). This one was upgraded accidentally to the latest firmware, and now nothing recognises it.

kueblc commented 5 years ago

@baldfox You can click the "Watch" button at the top of the page to get notifications about development activity. You can also try codetheweb/tuyapi if your goal is local control, next best thing to custom firmware.

baldfox commented 5 years ago

@baldfox You can click the "Watch" button at the top of the page to get notifications about development activity. You can also try codetheweb/tuyapi if your goal is local control, next best thing to custom firmware.

@kueblc Thanks a lot. I've never really used github before. Appreciate your help!

thirug010 commented 5 years ago

@baldfox, Please take look at the solution I am working on, it provides the virtually tasmota features on tuya devices using tuyapi with flashing it. Virtual Tasmota for Tuya Api Devices.


Thanks Thiru

tjamesdp commented 5 years ago

With the current version of Tuya Convert, I don't think it's possible. The developers are already looking into ways to circumvent the new security measures though. But I don't have any insight on how long that will take. It's probably gonna be a while since they literally have to emulate Tuya's SSL responses as far as I understand. I think your safest bet would be to get rid of the plugs you have now if that is still possible (don't know banggoods return policy).

Would it be possible to implement sslstrip in to the tuya-convert software to strip out the https transactions and downgrade it to http? https://github.com/moxie0/sslstrip

baldfox commented 5 years ago

@baldfox, Please take look at the solution I am working on, it provides the virtually tasmota features on tuya devices using tuyapi with flashing it. Virtual Tasmota for Tuya Api Devices.


Thanks Thiru

Thanks for this. I looked at it. I really don't want to keep the tuya/smartlife firmware on there though at the moment. I don't want any of my smarthome products phoning home. I guess I'll need to wait for now.

baldfox commented 5 years ago

I thought I'd have another attempt at this. If i hold down the teckin sp22 for 5 seconds it blinks rapidly. If I then hold the button again for a further 7 seconds, it flashes blue slowly. It will then throw up an SSID of smartlife-XXXX. I then try and connect to that but I can't get any further. Anyone know the default webpage to try and administer it again? At this junction I think i'd rather just revert the SP22 to default and try and use it with Tuya until the SSL is broken and I can go OTA again.

kueblc commented 5 years ago

I don't want any of my smarthome products phoning home

You can try blocking *.tuya(us|eu|cn).com at your router and use codetheweb/tuyapi to control your devices locally.

If i hold down the teckin sp22 for 5 seconds it blinks rapidly. If I then hold the button again for a further 7 seconds, it flashes blue slowly. It will then throw up an SSID of smartlife-XXXX.

tuya-convert only works with the first mode, known as EZ config. It does not work with AP config.

baldfox commented 5 years ago

tuya-convert only works with the first mode, known as EZ config. It does not work with AP config.

Thanks for that. It saves me some time. Unfortunately in AP mode the snart-life app doesn't conclude it's registration so it's well and truly fubarred I think.

timbo-lino commented 5 years ago


I just bought some TECKIN SP22 from Amazon. Thought it would work out. Did a fresh Rasperry Pi Setup and got stock here


It seems that I cant flash them.

Is there a workaround/ a solution already out? Will there be a solution in the future? Should I just send them back?

What would you guys do?

baldfox commented 5 years ago

I had the same issue. The only thing I can suggest is that we all write to Teckin and ask them for a work around. If there are enough of us it might work. We can highlight the success of Shelly and their approach to open source software as an example of how well they could do.

thirug010 commented 5 years ago


as of now we have only few alternatives ,

  1. use tuya-api based control without flashing device with tasmota firware (Refer here or here )

  2. use soldering iron to hard wire flashing with tasmota (You might need to put MCU in reset mode along with putting the esp in flashing mode to avoid the serial data interruptions from MCU mostly for dimmers)

  3. use shelly or sonoff diy devices for easy flashing support

Thanks Thiru

timbo-lino commented 5 years ago


as of now we have only few alternatives ,

1. use tuya-api based control without flashing device with tasmota firware ([Refer here](https://github.com/thirug010/Virtual-Tasmota-for-Tuya-api-devices/blob/master/README.md) or [here ](https://github.com/codetheweb/tuyapi) )

2. use soldering iron to hard wire flashing with tasmota _(You might need to put MCU in reset mode along with putting the esp in flashing mode to avoid the serial data interruptions from MCU mostly for dimmers)_

3. use shelly or sonoff diy devices for easy flashing support

Thanks Thiru

Thanks for pointing out all the options.

Tuya-api based control seems to be an overkill for me, because as far as I see, I need to run a service 24/7 to use it.

I think the SP22`s are going back to Amazon and I will replace it with a shelly or sonoff.

pandit77 commented 4 years ago

TECKIN SP22 Users check: https://github.com/ct-Open-Source/tuya-convert/issues/273

I just sucessfully flashed four SP22 Plugs

kueblc commented 4 years ago

Happy to share that support for HTTPS firmware is in the works #279