ct7ct7ct7 / Android-VimeoPlayer

Unofficial Vimeo video player library for Android.
MIT License
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Runtime Exception Package not found: com.android.chrome on Android 8 Devices #26

Open iamAliRaza opened 4 years ago

iamAliRaza commented 4 years ago

Caused by java.lang.RuntimeException Package not found: com.android.chrome android.webkit.WebViewDelegate.getPackageId (WebViewDelegate.java:164) yn.a (yn.java:7) com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewChromiumFactoryProvider.a (WebViewChromiumFactoryProvider.java:54) android.webkit.WebView. (WebView.java:571) com.ct7ct7ct7.androidvimeoplayer.view.VimeoPlayer. (VimeoPlayer.java:1) com.ct7ct7ct7.androidvimeoplayer.view.VimeoPlayerView. (VimeoPlayerView.java:3) com.ct7ct7ct7.androidvimeoplayer.utils.JsBridge.addReadyListener (JsBridge.java:1) com.ct7ct7ct7.androidvimeoplayer.view.VimeoPlayerView. (VimeoPlayerView.java:1) java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0 (Constructor.java) android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate (LayoutInflater.java:423) com.unibuzz.ui.group.adapters.RemarkAdapter.onCreateViewHolder (RemarkAdapter.java:21) androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$Adapter.createViewHolder (RecyclerView.java:76) com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main (ZygoteInit.java:1408)

iamAliRaza commented 4 years ago

I am using this library in Recycler View >> Same as describe instructions in ReadMe file. I got this exception from Android 8 Device Samsung j7 Prime. On any other devices and Android Version its working fine. Also one more issue the caching is not working properly in recyclerView. If i enabled cache like this>> player.init(true,videoID); and then i added new video on rumtime in recycler view i need to clear the cache first with the player instance then the video was working. Otherwise no. << Also its better to convert this library into AndroidX >>