cta-observatory / ctaplot

Plotting library for CTA and other IACT
MIT License
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Gammaboard: Labels aren't printed #181

Open mikael10j opened 2 years ago

mikael10j commented 2 years ago

Gammaboard labels aren't printed until we select a reference curve.

mikael10j commented 2 years ago

@vuillaut is there any reason why ax.legend() isn't called in some ctaplot.plots functions ?

vuillaut commented 2 years ago

@vuillaut is there any reason why ax.legend() isn't called in some ctaplot.plots functions ?

In generic functions such as plot_angular_resolution_per_energy for example? I think the rational was not to call legend() by default because no label is provided by default (that would raise a warning if no label is provided). If the user (here gammaboard) provides a label, I believe he could also call legend()... Or we could have an if condition in each plotting function...

mikael10j commented 2 years ago

Ok, thank you, understood. Let's call it in gammaboard.