cta-observatory / lst-sim-config

Repository to store configurations of MC simulations for LST (+MAGIC)
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Diffuse gamma "test sample" for IRF production, LST-PROD2 settings #74

Open moralejo opened 1 month ago

moralejo commented 1 month ago

Proposed pointings for a diffuse gamma test Production (so far in PROD2 we have only ring-wobble test gamma). (NOTE: not for production @ LP, but in the Swiss cluster)

They are a subset of the pointings in the training sample - we want to concentrate statistics in discrete pointings to get smaller stat uncertainties in IRFs. All other settings should be the same used in PROD2.

Declination: 66.76 degrees

 zen(deg)  az(deg)  cone_min(deg) cone_max(deg) max imp(m) Emin(TeV) Emax(TeV)
  67.414    25.226    0.000         2.500        1580.1      0.083    200.000
  56.326    26.642    0.000         2.500        1274.0      0.028    200.000
  45.843    21.868    0.000         2.500        1112.4      0.014    144.223
  38.973     8.859    0.000         2.500        1033.1      0.010     99.657
  38.973   351.141    0.000         2.500        1014.6      0.009     91.042
  45.843   338.132    0.000         2.500        1052.1      0.011    109.174
  56.326   333.358    0.000         2.500        1155.4      0.017    174.341
  67.414   334.774    0.000         2.500        1353.5      0.038    200.000

Declination: 48.22 degrees

 zen(deg)  az(deg)  cone_min(deg) cone_max(deg) max imp(m) Emin(TeV) Emax(TeV)
  65.980    46.632    0.000         2.500        1616.3      0.093    200.000
  53.598    49.296    0.000         2.500        1270.0      0.028    200.000
  41.026    48.313    0.000         2.500        1092.8      0.013    131.959
  29.249    40.467    0.000         2.500         994.0      0.008     82.182
  20.783    18.003    0.000         2.500         942.8      0.006     63.078
  20.783   341.997    0.000         2.500         926.9      0.006     57.917
  29.249   319.533    0.000         2.500         942.8      0.006     63.078
  41.026   311.687    0.000         2.500         994.0      0.008     82.182
  53.598   310.704    0.000         2.500        1092.8      0.013    131.959
  65.980   313.368    0.000         2.500        1270.0      0.028    200.000

Declination: 34.76 degrees

 zen(deg)  az(deg)  cone_min(deg) cone_max(deg) max imp(m) Emin(TeV) Emax(TeV)
  69.992    60.505    0.000         2.500        1882.8      0.200    200.000
  56.069    65.502    0.000         2.500        1338.2      0.036    200.000
  41.666    68.802    0.000         2.500        1110.2      0.014    142.784
  27.055    69.190    0.000         2.500         990.6      0.008     80.770
  12.829    58.737    0.000         2.500         927.9      0.006     58.235
   7.093   328.910    0.000         2.500         903.5      0.005     50.970
  19.807   293.294    0.000         2.500         911.4      0.005     53.262
  34.367   290.463    0.000         2.500         953.7      0.007     66.804
  48.911   292.603    0.000         2.500        1041.3      0.010    103.662
  63.108   296.803    0.000         2.500        1204.6      0.021    200.000

Declination: 22.76 degrees

 zen(deg)  az(deg)  cone_min(deg) cone_max(deg) max imp(m) Emin(TeV) Emax(TeV)
  66.446    75.983    0.000         2.500        1687.1      0.116    200.000
  52.162    82.384    0.000         2.500        1260.4      0.027    200.000
  37.661    89.359    0.000         2.500        1069.6      0.012    118.545
  23.161    99.261    0.000         2.500         969.0      0.007     72.350
   9.579   126.888    0.000         2.500         918.2      0.006     55.251
   9.579   233.112    0.000         2.500         902.5      0.005     50.691
  23.161   260.739    0.000         2.500         918.2      0.006     55.251
  37.661   270.641    0.000         2.500         969.0      0.007     72.350
  52.162   277.616    0.000         2.500        1069.6      0.012    118.545
  66.446   284.017    0.000         2.500        1260.4      0.027    200.000

Declination: 9.31 degrees

 zen(deg)  az(deg)  cone_min(deg) cone_max(deg) max imp(m) Emin(TeV) Emax(TeV)
  69.809    90.303    0.000         2.500        1859.5      0.188    200.000
  56.566    98.125    0.000         2.500        1339.7      0.037    200.000
  43.624   107.970    0.000         2.500        1122.9      0.015    151.189
  31.589   122.714    0.000         2.500        1010.0      0.009     88.974
  22.192   149.003    0.000         2.500         950.8      0.007     65.791
  19.779   191.112    0.000         2.500         927.8      0.006     58.209
  26.360   226.192    0.000         2.500         935.3      0.006     60.608
  37.428   245.565    0.000         2.500         975.1      0.007     74.660
  50.032   257.329    0.000         2.500        1057.8      0.011    112.150
  63.171   265.936    0.000         2.500        1212.5      0.022    200.000

Declination: -4.13 degrees

 zen(deg)  az(deg)  cone_min(deg) cone_max(deg) max imp(m) Emin(TeV) Emax(TeV)
  69.967   106.718    0.000         2.500        1808.4      0.164    200.000
  58.865   115.318    0.000         2.500        1367.6      0.041    200.000
  48.642   126.353    0.000         2.500        1168.4      0.018    184.408
  40.034   141.371    0.000         2.500        1061.8      0.011    114.269
  34.320   161.790    0.000         2.500        1005.2      0.009     86.901
  33.058   186.210    0.000         2.500         983.1      0.008     77.751
  36.713   209.119    0.000         2.500         990.3      0.008     80.658
  44.071   226.746    0.000         2.500        1028.5      0.010     97.471
  53.608   239.555    0.000         2.500        1107.2      0.014    140.884
  64.337   249.209    0.000         2.500        1251.6      0.026    200.000

Declination: -18.02 degrees

 zen(deg)  az(deg)  cone_min(deg) cone_max(deg) max imp(m) Emin(TeV) Emax(TeV)
  67.800   127.237    0.000         2.500        1610.9      0.092    200.000
  60.384   135.882    0.000         2.500        1358.6      0.039    200.000
  54.153   146.293    0.000         2.500        1221.1      0.023    200.000
  49.562   158.652    0.000         2.500        1142.2      0.016    164.626
  47.099   172.662    0.000         2.500        1100.6      0.014    136.767
  47.099   187.338    0.000         2.500        1087.6      0.013    128.849
  49.562   201.348    0.000         2.500        1100.6      0.014    136.767
  54.153   213.707    0.000         2.500        1142.2      0.016    164.626
  60.384   224.118    0.000         2.500        1221.1      0.023    200.000
  67.800   232.763    0.000         2.500        1358.6      0.039    200.000

Declination: -29.24 degrees

 zen(deg)  az(deg)  cone_min(deg) cone_max(deg) max imp(m) Emin(TeV) Emax(TeV)
  69.813   142.697    0.000         2.500        1622.6      0.095    200.000
  63.806   152.996    0.000         2.500        1400.7      0.046    200.000
  59.742   164.856    0.000         2.500        1289.6      0.030    200.000
  58.036   177.798    0.000         2.500        1242.0      0.025    200.000
  58.895   190.913    0.000         2.500        1242.0      0.025    200.000
  62.212   203.211    0.000         2.500        1289.6      0.030    200.000
  67.624   214.053    0.000         2.500        1400.7      0.046    200.000


Voutsi commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @moralejo

in order to make the resources request, I would like to verify the statistics:

They are a subset of the pointings in the training sample - we want to concentrate statistics in discrete pointings to get smaller stat uncertainties in IRFs.

That means the whole statistics of a band splitted between a smaller number of nodes?