cta-wave / CMAF-Byte-Stream

For discussion of CMAF Byte Stream format
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A.6: Kind box for audio/video #18

Open haudiobe opened 3 years ago

haudiobe commented 3 years ago

Note: It is semantically correct for multiple KindBoxes to exist in the UserDataBox. Additional box instances may be used to add specificity to a role description or present a semantically equivalent role description for a different scheme. If multiple schemes are present, the schemes should be preferred in the order described above. Editor's Note: This is not explicitly called out as a case in the CMAF specification, but this is a correct usage of the DASH role scheme in DASH manifests and would appear to be appropriate in CMAF tracks as well.

haudiobe commented 3 years ago

AHG Call 2020/10/19:

haudiobe commented 3 years ago

Implemented: https://1drv.ms/w/s!AiNJEPgowJnWgqsz3EFQvnMD7BhN0w?e=42BwJJ

krasimirkolarov commented 11 months ago

Addressed in TuC in MPEG CMAF spec

krasimirkolarov commented 11 months ago

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