cta-wave / dpctf-test-runner

Repo for the DPCTF Test Runner
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strange behaviour with multiple file systems #22

Closed jpiesing closed 1 year ago

jpiesing commented 2 years ago

I have to use a separate USB disc to hold the streams for this project. That disc is automatically mounted under /media/jon/. Something in the system is creating files under that path but instead of creating files on the separate USB disc, they're being created under that path but on the root disc. When I come back later, the disc is mounted under a modified path - with '1' appended on the end of the disk id - presumably because the correct path already exists and isn't empty - because of the files wrongly created under that path on the root disc.

jpiesing commented 2 years ago

This is what is created on the root file system in error.

$ ls -R /media/jon/c14de6c5-19b4-4aa3-8603-5342d9d4d9ae/ /media/jon/c14de6c5-19b4-4aa3-8603-5342d9d4d9ae/: dpctf

/media/jon/c14de6c5-19b4-4aa3-8603-5342d9d4d9ae/dpctf: dpctf-deploy

/media/jon/c14de6c5-19b4-4aa3-8603-5342d9d4d9ae/dpctf/dpctf-deploy: config.json content results tests





louaybassbouss commented 2 years ago

@jpiesing the test runner uses the volumes as defined in docker-compose.yml#L12-L16. Write access is only required for the results folder. Can you make sure that you use the right settings in docker-compose ? can you please share your docker-compose settings and the location where you clone the dpctf-deploy project.

jpiesing commented 2 years ago

$ df -m . Filesystem 1M-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/luks-cd3ceb1f-38aa-49a7-a3ef-59713386e759 7568837 4524429 2662891 63% /media/jon/c14de6c5-19b4-4aa3-8603-5342d9d4d9ae jon@asgard:/media/jon/c14de6c5-19b4-4aa3-8603-5342d9d4d9ae/dpctf/dpctf-deploy$ git diff diff --git a/config.json b/config.json index 6b505e2..296dfa7 100644 --- a/config.json +++ b/config.json @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ "enable_results_import": false, "web_root": "/_wave", "persisting_interval": 20,

jpiesing commented 2 years ago

From this morning after booting the PC.

jon@asgard:/media/jon/c14de6c5-19b4-4aa3-8603-5342d9d4d9ae/dpctf/dpctf-deploy$ ls -lR .: total 16 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 13 09:31 config.json drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 13 09:31 content drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 13 09:31 results drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 13 09:31 tests

./config.json: total 0

./content: total 0

./results: total 0

./tests: total 0 jon@asgard:/media/jon/c14de6c5-19b4-4aa3-8603-5342d9d4d9ae/dpctf/dpctf-deploy$ date 2021-10-13T10:24:51 CEST jon@asgard:/media/jon/c14de6c5-19b4-4aa3-8603-5342d9d4d9ae/dpctf/dpctf-deploy$ df -m . Filesystem 1M-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/foo-root 731764 690271 4299 100% / jon@asgard:/media/jon/c14de6c5-19b4-4aa3-8603-5342d9d4d9ae/dpctf/dpctf-deploy$

The external USB drive is now mounted here (with an extra '1' on the end of the previous path).

jon@asgard:/media/jon/c14de6c5-19b4-4aa3-8603-5342d9d4d9ae1/dpctf/dpctf-deploy$ ls assets check-content.sh check-tests.sh docker-compose.yml download-content.py import.bat MOBILE_USAGE.md README.md same-machine-setup.jpg build.bat check-host.sh config.json docker-compose.yml.txt hosts-linux.txt import.sh pc-dut-companion-setup.jpg remove-tests.sh tests build.sh check-ownership.sh content Dockerfile hosts-windows.txt LICENSE.md pc-dut-setup.jpg results WINDOWS_WSL.md jon@asgard:/media/jon/c14de6c5-19b4-4aa3-8603-5342d9d4d9ae1/dpctf/dpctf-deploy$ df -m . Filesystem 1M-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/luks-cd3ceb1f-38aa-49a7-a3ef-59713386e759 7568837 4524430 2662891 63% /media/jon/c14de6c5-19b4-4aa3-8603-5342d9d4d9ae1

gitwjr commented 1 year ago

@jpiesing to check using new install to see if its still an issue.

gitwjr commented 1 year ago

If there are further issues we can reopen the issue.