ctaggart / SourceLink

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SourceLink issue on linux/OSX travisCI "error : unable to find repository origin with: dotnet sourcelink-git origin " #321

Closed ryangribble closed 6 years ago

ryangribble commented 6 years ago

Howdy @ctaggart,

I am fighting with a real doozy over at https://github.com/octokit/octokit.net/pull/1738 at the moment šŸ¤•


Until now, our core libraries have been targeting netstandard1.1 and our test projects were netcoreapp1.0, with the .NET Core SDK 1.0.4 being used to do the builds on AppVeyor and TravisCI (Linux and OSX).

Due to some changes on that PR I had to update our test projects to netcoreapp2.0 and change our builds over to .NET Core SDK 2.0.3 (core libraries are still targeting netstandard1.1).


The AppVeyor windows builds are working fine, however both linux and OSX builds on Travis are failing with a SourceLink issue:

/home/travis/.nuget/packages/sourcelink.create.github/2.8.0/build/SourceLink.Create.GitHub.targets(25,5): error : unable to find repository origin with: dotnet sourcelink-git origin [/home/travis/build/octokit/octokit.net/Octokit/Octokit.csproj]


Here is a TravisCI linux build with "detailed" verbosity on the dotnet build step https://travis-ci.org/octokit/octokit.net/jobs/353796760 And here is one with "normal" verbosity which still shows the sourcelink error https://travis-ci.org/octokit/octokit.net/jobs/353817606

Things Ive tried

Ensuring the origin remote does exist

I thought perhaps travis was doing something weird with the way it clones the git repo and there might not be an origin remote, however I added a debug git -v remote show origin command to the .travis.yml and the output in the build log shows the origin remote is as expected.

0.39s$ git remote -v show origin
* remote origin
  Fetch URL: https://github.com/octokit/octokit.net.git
  Push  URL: https://github.com/octokit/octokit.net.git
  HEAD branch: master
  Remote branch:
    master tracked
  Local branch configured for 'git pull':
    master merges with remote master
  Local ref configured for 'git push':
    master pushes to master (up to date)

Disabling SourceLink

Passing /p:SourceLinkCreate=false to the build step, which allowed the build to complete successfully (see log). Although it technically doesn't matter if we SourceLink on Travis (since it's the AppVeyor builds we publish to NuGet) I'd still like to get to the bottom of this!

Updating to latest version of SourceLink packages

We were previously using 2.1.0 and have now updated to 2.8.0. It was a long shot but figured I may as well try... no dice though šŸ˜›

Any insights you have would be much appreciated! šŸ™


ctaggart commented 6 years ago

@ryangribble Can you switch to SourceLink.Create.CommandLine instead of SourceLink.Create.GitHub. That will avoid any problems with dotnet-sourcelink-git, which I'm guessing that you are getting.

ryangribble commented 6 years ago

OK that seems to have sourcelink'ed correctly, but getting a runtime errror on the "test sourcelink" build step, because our TravisCI image only has the 2.0.x runtime on it, and this task is wanting runtime 1.0.4.

Where is the "runtime" for a DotNetCliToolReference specified, when the tool reference comes from a netstandard targeted library? Is this because "your" package requires 1.0.4, or because "my" project is still targetting netstandard1.1? Ultimately Im trying to have our SDK tooling updated to 2.0.x but still keep our library targeted at netstandard1.1 although Im not sure if that's going to be possible

Could this same situation also have been the issue being experienced with the SourceLink.Create.GitHub option previously?


ryangribble commented 6 years ago

... just discovered that VS2017 doesnt update DotNetCliToolReference entries itself... so still had 2.1.0 of those, prior to you supporting a netcoreapp2.0 runtime as well. With that change in place, things are working using the CommandLine rather than GitHub sourcelink. Although it would still be nice to know why the GitHub one doesn't work on linux/OSX for us...

Succesful run: https://travis-ci.org/octokit/octokit.net/jobs/354289022

ryangribble commented 6 years ago

Argh! Spoke too soon šŸ˜¬

Succeeded on Linux, but sourcelink test failed on OSX https://travis-ci.org/octokit/octokit.net/jobs/354289023

ryangribble commented 6 years ago

OK so that OSX failure was weird... retried it and it then passed šŸ¤” Tried another time and it failed again. I might raise a separate issue to look into that sourcelink test issue, because in terms of this issue I think I have all the answers I need.

So now that SourceLink.Create.CommandLine was working I figured I'd go back and try SourceLink.Create.GitHub and lo and behold it is now working too šŸ˜€

To sum up:-

My issue was using an earlier version of SourceLink that didnt offer a netcoreapp2.0 target. Furthermore when updating to the newer version I didn't realise that the 2 DotNetCliToolReferene entries are not updated by VisualStudio and have to be done manually in the csproj file.

Finally, the fact it was a "couldnt find runtime" error the whole time, was only revealed when I got up to my "Test Sourcelink" step (by getting past the build stage by using COmmandLine rather than GitHub option), and could see that error output. The SourceLInk.Create.GitHub method internally runs a dotnet sourcelink-git orgin tool command and was evidently getting this runtime error too, but the logs just say the step failed and didn't provide the actual reason (was looking for runtime 1.x)

Thanks for the pointers and I'm happy to have both resolved the problem and have a better understanding of what was going on! šŸ‘