ctaggart / SourceLink

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SourceLink and BitBucketServer - not using correct URL #377

Closed russellcoombes closed 5 years ago

russellcoombes commented 5 years ago


I am attempting to utilise SourceLink for packages that I am hosting in the company Bitbucket server ( which is on version 4.9.1.) This version requires the SourceLink URL to be created with the suffix "?at=my_commit_number".

The libraries are targeting .net Framework 4.5.2 (we are not using dotnet core), and I have included the package microsoft.sourcelink.bitbucket.git (plus supporting packages - all version 1.0.0-beta-63401-01) in the project that I am looking to package up. The project is also using SourceLink.Create.CommandLine version 2.8.3. I have also tried using microsoft.sourcelink.bitbucket.git versions 1.0.0-beta-63127-02 with no difference in results.

I am using a cake script to call into MSBuild (version, specifically setting the MSBuildSettings to contain the following properties:


.WithProperty("SourceLinkCreate", "true") .WithProperty("SourceLinkServerType", "BitBucketServer") .WithProperty("SourceLinkUrl", "ssh://git@my.company.bitbucketserver/projectname/projectname.git")`

However, no matter what I change, the package is always created with PDBs that contain a URL in the BitBucket format, not the BitBucketServer format. Additionally - I have also tried setting the SourceLinkUrl and SourceLinkServer type in the project's csproj file as well as the project's nuspec file. The result is always the same - a URL that cannot be resolved as the commit number is presented halfway through the URL and not with the suffix "?at=my_commit_number". And then obviously, the module cannot be loaded in Visual Studio.

I have read several articles, one of which you have noted that you have released the BitBucketServerUrlConverter . Can you please advise if there is any problem in using the SourceLinkUrl that I provide to convert to a valid BitBucketServer URL using the above converter when being set into the package?

Many thanks, Russell

ctaggart commented 5 years ago

Pretty sure this is solved with https://github.com/dotnet/sourcelink/pull/246