ctaggart / SourceLink

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356 stars 55 forks source link

sourcelink test does not match URLs correctly #386

Open tmat opened 5 years ago

tmat commented 5 years ago

This function does not handle multiple source link entries correctly: https://github.com/ctaggart/SourceLink/blob/master/dotnet-sourcelink/Program.cs#L477

Consider, for example, the following source link JSON:


and a document path in the PDB:


This path should match the last pattern /_/src/submodules/MessagePack-CSharp/* but it matches the first one.

The longest matching patter should be used.

See https://github.com/dotnet/designs/blob/master/accepted/diagnostics/source-link.md:

Source Link JSON may contain multiple relative and/or absolute mappings in any order. They will be resolved in order from most specific to least specific. Here is an example of a valid Source Link JSON for an arbitrary project structure