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automate install of required build tools #4

Closed ctaggart closed 7 years ago

ctaggart commented 7 years ago


& "C:\Users\CameronTaggart\Downloads\vs_buildtools__487486146.1490013478.exe" --help
Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
Visual Studio command-line

Usage: vs_setup.exe [command [options]]

Command-line command    Description
modify  Modifies an installed product.
update  Updates an installed product.
repair  Repairs an installed product.
uninstall   Uninstalls an installed product.

Command-line option Description
--installPath <dir> The installation directory for the instance to act upon. For the install command, this is where the instance will be installed. For other commands, this is where the previously-installed instance was installed.
--productId <id>    The ID of the product for the instance that will be installed. This is required for the install command, ignored for other commands if --installPath is specified.
--layout <dir>  Specifies a directory to create an offline install cache.
--lang <language-locale> [<language-locale> ...]    This is used with the --layout switch. It specifies the language(s) that the offline install cache will be created in. See a full list of supported language-locales below.
--add <workload or component ID>[<workload or component ID> ...]    This defines an artifact (group, workload, or component) that is to be added to the installation. It can appear multiple times on the command line. 
The required components of the artifact are installed, but not the recommended or optional components. You can control additional components globally using --includeRecommended and/or --includeOptional. For finer-grained control, you can append ";includeRecommended" and/or ";includeOptional" to the artifactId (e.g. "--add Workload1;includeRecommended" or "--add Workload2;includeOptional;includeRecommended"). 
It is optional for the install and modify commands, ignored for the update, repair and uninstall commands.
--remove <workload or component ID> [<workload or component ID> ...]    This defines an artifact (group, workload, or component) that is to be removed from the installation. It can appear multiple times on the command line. It is optional for the install and modify commands, ignored for the update, repair and uninstall commands.
--all   Whether to install all workloads and components for a product.
--includeRecommended    Includes the recommended components for any workloads that are installed, but not the optional components. The workloads are specified either with --allWorkloads or --add.
--includeOptional   Includes the optional components for any workloads that are installed, but not the recommended components. The workloads are specified either with --allWorkloads or --add.
--quiet, -q Do not display any user interface while performing the installation.
--passive, -p   Display the user interface, but do not request any interaction from the user.
--norestart If present, commands with --passive or --quiet will not automatically restart the machine (if required). This is ignored if neither --passive nor --quiet are specified.
--locale <language-locale>  Change the display language of the user interface for the installer. Setting will be persisted.
--nickname <name>   This defines the nickname to assign to an installed product. The nickname cannot be longer than 10 characters.
--help, --?, -h, -? Display parameter usage.

Advanced command-line option    Description
--channelId <id>    The ID of the channel for the instance that will be installed. This is required for the install command, ignored for other commands if --installPath is specified.
--channelUri <uri>  The URI of the channel manifest. This can be used for the install command; it is ignored for other commands.
--installChannelUri <uri>   The URI of the channel manifest to use for the installation. The URI specified by --channelUri (which must be specified when --installChannelUri is specified) will be used to detect updates. If updates are not desired, --channelUri must be specified without an argument. This can be used for the install command; it is ignored for other commands.
--installCatalogUri <uri>   The URI of the catalog manifest to use for the installation. If specified, the channel manager will attempt to download the catalog manifest from this URI before using the URI in the install channel manifest. This parameter is used to support offline install, where the layout cache will be created with the product catalog already downloaded. This can be used for the install command; it is ignored for other commands.
--in <path> The URI or path to a response file.
--addProductLang <language-locale>  This defines the language of an artifact (group, workload, or component) that is to be installed. It can appear multiple times on the command line. It is optional for the install and modify commands, ignored for the update, repair and uninstall commands. If not present, the installation will use the machine locale.
--removeProductLang <language-locale>   This defines the language of an artifact (group, workload, or component) that is to be removed. It can appear multiple times on the command line. It is optional for the install and modify commands, ignored for the update, repair and uninstall commands.
--wait  The process will wait until the install is completed before returning a exit code. This is useful when automating installations where one needs to wait for the install to finish to handle the return code from that install.

Language-locale Language
cs-CZ   Czech
de-DE   German
en-US   English
es-ES   Spanish
fr-FR   French
it-IT   Italian
ja-JP   Japanese
ko-KR   Korean
pl-PL   Polish
pt-BR   Portuguese - Brazil
ru-RU   Russian
tr-TR   Turkish
zh-CN   Chinese - Simplified
zh-TW   Chinese - Traditional

For detailed instructions, please visit https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=838246&clcid=0x409

ctaggart commented 7 years ago


& "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vs_installershell.exe" --help
  install    Installs a product
  modify     Modifies an installed product
  update     Updates an installed product
  repair     Repairs an installed product
  resume     Resumes a partial installation, usually after a system reboot
  uninstall  Uninstalls an installed product

  --installPath         The installation directory for the instance to act upon. For the install command, this is where
                        the instance will be installed. For other commands, this is where the previously-installed
                        instance was installed.                                                                [string]
  --productId           The ID of the product for the instance that will be installed. This is required for the install
                        command, ignored for other commands if --installPath is specified.                     [string]
  --channelId           The ID of the channel for the instance that will be installed. This is required for the install
                        command, ignored for other commands if --installPath is specified.                     [string]
  --channelUri          The URI of the channel manifest.  This can be used for the install command; it is ignored for
                        other commands.                                                                        [string]
  --installChannelUri   The URI of the channel manifest to use for the installation.  The URI specified by --channelUri
                        (which must be specified when --installChannelUri is specified) will be used to detect updates.
                        If updates are not desired, --channelUri must be specified without an argument.  This can be
                        used for the install command; it is ignored for other commands.                        [string]
  --installCatalogUri   The URI of the catalog manifest to use for the installation.  If specified, the channel manager
                        will attempt to download the catalog manifest from this URI before using the URI in the install
                        channel manifest.  This parameter is used to support offline install, where the layout cache
                        will be created with the product catalog already downloaded.  This can be used for the install
                        command; it is ignored for other commands.                                             [string]
  --layoutPath          The layout directory to check for packages before attempting to download them using the
                        location in the manifest. This can be used for the install command; it is ignored for other
                        commands.                                                                              [string]
  --add                 This defines an artifact (group, workload, or component) that is to be added to the
                        installation.  It can appear multiple times on the command line.

                        The required components of the artifact are installed, but not the recommended or optional
                        components. You can control additional components globally using --includeRecommended and/or
                        --includeOptional. For finer-grained control, you can append ";includeRecommended" and/or
                        ";includeOptional" to the artifactId (e.g. "--add Workload1;includeRecommended" or "--add

                        It is optional for the install and modify commands, ignored for the update, repair and
                        uninstall commands.                                                                    [string]
  --remove              This defines an artifact (group, workload, or component) that is to be removed from the
                        installation.  It can appear multiple times on the command line. It is optional for the install
                        and modify commands, ignored for the update, repair and uninstall commands.            [string]
  --all                 Installs all workloads and all components.
  --allWorkloads        Installs all workloads and their required components, no recommended or optional components.
  --includeRecommended  Includes the recommended components for any workloads that are installed, but not the optional
                        components.  The workloads are specified either with --allWorkloads or --add.
  --includeOptional     Includes the optional components for any workloads that are installed, but not the recommended
                        components.  The workloads are specified either with --allWorkloads or --add.
  --campaign            The identifier of the campaign, for campaign tracking. If supplied, this ID will be logged with
                        the installer's "AppLaunched" telemetry event.                                         [string]
  --activityId          An ID that can be used to correlate the installer command with an event in Visual Studio.  If
                        supplied, this ID will be logged with the installer's "AppLaunched" event.             [string]
  --in                  The URI or path to a response file                                                     [string]
  --version, -v         Writes the application's version number to the console and exits
  --passive, -p         If present, the command proceeds with UI, immediately and without user interaction. This option
                        cannot be used with --quiet.
  --quiet, -q           If present, the command proceeds without UI.  Progress messages are written to stdout and error
                        messages are written to stderr.  This option cannot be used with --passive.
  --norestart           If present, commands with --passive or --quiet will not automatically restart the machine (if
                        required).  This is ignored if neither --passive nor --quiet are specified.
  --locale              The locale to be displayed on the GUI.                                                 [string]
  --focusedUi           If present, a minimal GUI will be displayed for a client to review before commiting the
                        operation. This option cannot be used with --passive, --quiet, or --remove.
  --installSessionId    The sessionId from a previous instance of the client, for telemetry.                   [string]
  --runOnce             Starts a new instance(process) of installer with current set of arguments except the runOnce
  --addProductLang      This defines the language of an artifact (group, workload, or component) that is to be
                        installed.  It can appear multiple times on the command line. It is optional for the install
                        and modify commands, ignored for the update, repair and uninstall commands. If not present, the
                        installation will use the machine locale.                                              [string]
  --removeProductLang   This defines the language of an artifact (group, workload, or component) that is to be removed.
                        It can appear multiple times on the command line. It is optional for the install and modify
                        commands, ignored for the update, repair and uninstall commands.                       [string]
  --nickname            This defines the nickname to assign to an installed product. The nickname cannot be longer than
                        10 characters. It is optional for the install command, ignored for the modify, update, repair
                        and uninstall commands.                                                                [string]
  --noUpdateInstaller   Prevents the installer from updating itself when quiet is specified. The installer will fail
                        the command and return a non-zero exit code if noUpdateInstaller is specified with quiet when
                        an installer update is required.
  --productKey          This defines the product key to use for an installed product. It is composed of 25 alphanumeric
                        characters either in the format 'xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx' or 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'.
                        It is optional for the install and update commands, ignored for the repair, modify and
                        uninstall commands.                                                                    [string]
  --help                Show help                                                                             [boolean]