ctaggart / visualfsharp

The Visual F# compiler and tools
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automate install of daily vsix #5

Open ctaggart opened 7 years ago

ctaggart commented 7 years ago






ctaggart commented 7 years ago

When installing from the UI, here is a log:

4/9/2017 2:55:21 PM - Microsoft VSIX Installer
4/9/2017 2:55:21 PM - -------------------------------------------
4/9/2017 2:55:21 PM - vsixinstaller.exe version:
4/9/2017 2:55:21 PM - 15.0.26323.1 built by: D15REL
4/9/2017 2:55:21 PM - -------------------------------------------
4/9/2017 2:55:21 PM - Command line parameters:
4/9/2017 2:55:21 PM - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\vsixinstaller.exe,/appidinstallpath:C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe,/skuName:Community,/skuVersion:15.0.26403.0,/appidname:Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017,C:\Users\c\AppData\Local\Temp\VSIXcv1uddy0.vsix
4/9/2017 2:55:21 PM - -------------------------------------------
4/9/2017 2:55:21 PM - Microsoft VSIX Installer
4/9/2017 2:55:21 PM - -------------------------------------------
4/9/2017 2:55:22 PM - Initializing Install...
4/9/2017 2:55:22 PM - Extension Details...
4/9/2017 2:55:22 PM -   Identifier         : VisualFSharp
4/9/2017 2:55:22 PM -   Name               : Visual F# Tools
4/9/2017 2:55:22 PM -   Author             : Microsoft.VisualFSharpTools
4/9/2017 2:55:22 PM -   Version            :
4/9/2017 2:55:22 PM -   Description        : Deploy Visual F# Tools templates to Visual Studio
4/9/2017 2:55:22 PM -   Locale             : en-US
4/9/2017 2:55:22 PM -   MoreInfoURL        : 
4/9/2017 2:55:22 PM -   InstalledByMSI     : False
4/9/2017 2:55:22 PM -   SupportedFrameworkVersionRange : [4.6,)
4/9/2017 2:55:22 PM - 
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM -   SignatureState     : ValidSignature
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM -   SignedBy           : Microsoft Corporation
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM -   Certificate Info   : 
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM -       -------------------------------------------------------
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM -       [Subject]       : CN=Microsoft Corporation, OU=MOPR, OU=OPC, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM -       [Issuer]        : CN=Microsoft Code Signing PCA 2010, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM -       [Serial Number] : 330000017D015E4C2BE2BCF66900000000017D
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM -       [Not Before]    : 2/15/2017 1:10:16 PM
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM -       [Not After]     : 5/9/2018 2:10:16 PM
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM -       [Thumbprint]    : 69713C6FF47FADFF90C9465F7783E6E08232B28F
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM - 
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM -   Supported Products : 
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM -       Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM -           Version : [15.0]
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM - 
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM -   References         : 
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM -   Prerequisites      : 
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM -       -------------------------------------------------------
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM -       Identifier   : Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM -       Name         : Visual Studio core editor
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM -       Version      : [15.0,16.0)
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM - 
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM - Signature Details...
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM -   Extension is signed with a valid signature.
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM - 
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM - PKGDEF Information: Looking for master PkgDef file, Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\master.pkgdef

4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM - PKGDEF Information: Creating PkgDefCacheNonVolatile
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM - PKGDEF Information: Double-checking master pkgdef file
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM - PKGDEF Information: PkgDefManagement initialized
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM - PKGDEF Information: RootFolder, Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\

4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM - PKGDEF Information: ShellFolder, Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\

4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM - PKGDEF Information: PkgDefSearchPath, Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\Extensions;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\devenv.admin.pkgdef

4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM - PKGDEF Information: ImageManifestSearchPath, Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\Extensions;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions;C:\Users\c\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_8d798011\Extensions

4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM - PKGDEF Information: ApplicationExtensionsFolder, Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\Extensions

4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM - PKGDEF Information: "ZeroImpact" = dword:0, "MergeRegistry" = dword:3
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM - PKGDEF Information: Could not find ConfigurationChanged timestamp., PKGDEF: 80070002
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM - PKGDEF Information: PkgDefCache flags, PKGDEF: 7001
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM - PKGDEF Information: Could not find ConfigurationChanged timestamp., PKGDEF: 80070002
4/9/2017 2:55:25 PM - PKGDEF Information: PkgDefManagement startup complete
4/9/2017 2:55:26 PM - The extension will be upgraded from version
4/9/2017 2:55:43 PM - The following target products have been selected...
4/9/2017 2:55:43 PM -   Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017
4/9/2017 2:55:43 PM - 
4/9/2017 2:55:43 PM - Beginning to install extension to Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017...
4/9/2017 2:55:43 PM - Upgrading 'Visual F# Tools', version to version
4/9/2017 2:56:10 PM - Install to Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 completed successfully. The extension has been installed to C:\USERS\C\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\VISUALSTUDIO\15.0_8D798011\EXTENSIONS\CYU2TRAH.2UO\
ctaggart commented 7 years ago

These are the params passed in according to that log:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\vsixinstaller.exe
/appidinstallpath:C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe
/appidname:Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017
ctaggart commented 7 years ago

I doesn't make much sense to me to be passing in anything other than instanceIds. It would be nice if this is all that is needed:

A comma separated list of instance IDs into which the extension and its dependencies are installed or uninstalled. If no instance IDs are specified, the extension and its dependencies will be installed into or uninstalled from all instances.