ctb / figleaf

A code coverage recording and analysis tool for Python
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add this cool module named figleaf_htmlizer.py ... #1

Open zookos opened 14 years ago

zookos commented 14 years ago

In the Tahoe-LAFS we've been using this nice little module named figleaf_htmlizer.py which has nice features such as computing the delta from the previous coverage. However, I don't know where this file comes from. Anyway, do you want it?

Here's the ticket for Tahoe-LAFS:

http://allmydata.org/trac/tahoe/ticket/810 # where did figleaf_htmlizer.py come from?

jkeyes commented 14 years ago

I found a figleaf_htmlizer.py via Google and gave it a run but I didn't see any features for calculating deltas. It was also less accurate marking what lines had executed (every method signature in my classes were shown as not having been executed).

Can you provide a link to some files generated by figleaf_htmlizer so I can see the delta stuff? Or provide a link to the version of the file you were using (in case the one I have is different).


simplegeo commented 14 years ago

We've switched from figleaf to coverage.py. Here's a tool for coverage.py to tell you the change in the number of uncovered- or partially-covered lines, but not the actual which-lines: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/trialcoverage

I don't know if the figleaf htmlizer delta computation ever actually worked -- sorry!



jkeyes commented 14 years ago

Okay Zooka, thanks for the reply.