ctengel / facelookup

Augment a stateless-ish facial recognition system with more human-augmented association data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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MVP #1

Open ctengel opened 3 years ago

ctengel commented 3 years ago

Write an MVP that basically integrates with ONE FR core backend and not yet a real db - probably AWS-specific, and implements basic image and person only functionality. A simple Python API will suffice, running locally or in EC2 - future versions could go in Lambda or Beanstalk.

API spec:

class FLDB:
    def __init__(self, aws_obj, recognition_coll, bucket_name, create=False, initial_data=None):
        # connect up to backed
        # optionally create them collection
        # optionally load pickled data
    def add_person(name):
        return person
    def get_person(name):
       return person
    def add_image(url):
      image = Image(url)
      faces.append = image.get_faces()
      return image
    def get_image(url):
    def delete_all()
    def export_db()
    def import_db(initial_data)







ctengel commented 3 years ago

Should the denial also be handled on the Face side as well?

In a SQL DB world there would be just one table with

So could denies be a separate object or???

Or could we just handle it on EITHER side?

Or we could just do away with denies altogether for the MVP since apparently they are tricky - better to just get a proper ID to the face, even if a temp one!

ctengel commented 3 years ago

Note even there some checking is needed to ensure that the face's person either matches or is null Unless the current face's person is unset in which case it could be set. Ugh

Also need a list person's and list images method to the db

ctengel commented 3 years ago

Also more of person unknown which could be as easy as get similar

ctengel commented 3 years ago

Get similar image based on same set of faces or person's? Sounds like past the MVP

ctengel commented 3 years ago

Another basic test - new image/vid - who dis is?

ctengel commented 3 years ago

What's still left?