ctf0 / Laravel-Media-Manager

A "Vuejs & Laravel" Media Manager With Tons of Features
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[Question] Multilanguage Support #166

Closed wei-jinn closed 3 years ago

wei-jinn commented 3 years ago

Greetings cft0. I noticed that the interface are translatable and I found them in lang > en > messages. However, some buttons in editor interface do not have their translations, for example: the button group of "brightness, contrast, saturation..." and "Clarity, Vintage, Love...". May I know where to locate them to further carrying out translation?

Secondly, the folder name and file would be a set of string started with "5f8d..." as when I attempted create a new folder with other languages, for example Chinese words. When I tried to rename any file and folder, it would become empty and inaccessible. Do you have any suggestion on handling this?


Invalid Naming

ctf0 commented 3 years ago

for example: the button group of "brightness, contrast, saturation..." and "Clarity, Vintage, Love...". May I know where to locate them to further carrying out translation?

thanx for the heads up, they are added in the latest commit. btw if you can send me a PR with translation for Chinese or any other language you will use for the manager, that would be awesome 🏆

When I tried to rename any file and folder, it would become empty and inaccessible

thats because of the regex and to get around it i would recommend overriding the method through using a new controller wiki