ctf0 / Laravel-Media-Manager

A "Vuejs & Laravel" Media Manager With Tons of Features
MIT License
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Property or method "orderBy" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. #65

Closed mckayze closed 5 years ago

mckayze commented 5 years ago

What version of Laravel are you using? (nothing lower than v5.4).


is it an issue related to installation or usage ?


what is the error you are getting ?

Basically when ive installed everything and successfully compiled using "npm run watch", i navigate to /media on my website, and i get the following error.

I've put it here cause its quite long, basically sais this: "Property or method "orderBy" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render."

Extra Info "attaching a screen shot would be very helpful"

Full error can be found here: http://codepad.org/QHjZgEQp

Do You Know A Solution For this Issue ?

No idea, not the most gifted with vue.js

ctf0 commented 5 years ago

the only place where orderBy is used is at https://github.com/ctf0/Laravel-Media-Manager/search?q=orderBy&unscoped_q=orderBy

which is a part of vue2-filters, but apparently after a recent update of the package the filters needs to be manually registered, so update ur installed manager.vue with this and try again

mckayze commented 5 years ago

@ctf0 This is a confirmed fix, thank you for the quick reply!