ctf0 / Laravel-Media-Manager

A "Vuejs & Laravel" Media Manager With Tons of Features
MIT License
829 stars 179 forks source link

[Vue warn]: Error compiling template #71

Closed lukasirsak closed 5 years ago

lukasirsak commented 5 years ago

What version of Laravel are you using? (nothing lower than v5.4). 5.7.19

is it an issue related to installation or usage ? Installation

what is the error you are getting ? In browser console (5 errors):

First one:

[Vue warn]: Error compiling template:

<section id="app" v-cloak="">

        <div class="notif-container">

        <div class="container is-fluid">
            <div class="columns">

                <div class="column">
                    <media-manager inline-template="" v-cloak="" :config="{&quot;baseUrl&quot;:&quot;http:\/\/intranet.loc\/storage\/&quot;,&quot;hideFilesExt&quot;:true,&quot;lazyLoad&quot;:false,&quot;mimeTypes&quot;:{&quot;image&quot;:[&quot;binary\/octet-stream&quot;],&quot;archive&quot;:[&quot;application\/x-tar&quot;,&quot;application\/zip&quot;]},&quot;cacheExp&quot;:60,&quot;broadcasting&quot;:false,&quot;gfi&quot;:true,&quot;ratioBar&quot;:true}" :routes="{&quot;files&quot;:&quot;http:\/\/intranet.loc\/media\/files&quot;,&quot;dirs&quot;:&quot;http:\/\/intranet.loc\/media\/directories&quot;,&quot;lock&quot;:&quot;http:\/\/intranet.loc\/media\/lock-file&quot;,&quot;visibility&quot;:&quot;http:\/\/intranet.loc\/media\/change-vis&quot;,&quot;upload&quot;:&quot;http:\/\/intranet.loc\/media\/upload&quot;}" :translations="{&quot;copied&quot;:&quot;Copied&quot;,&quot;copy_success&quot;:&quot;Successfully Copied&quot;,&quot;create_folder_notif&quot;:&quot;New Folder Was created&quot;,&quot;create_success&quot;:&quot;Successfully Created&quot;,&quot;delete_success&quot;:&quot;Successfully Deleted&quot;,&quot;downloaded&quot;:&quot;Downloaded&quot;,&quot;error_altered_fwli&quot;:&quot;Can't Be Moved, Renamed Or Deleted Because It Has Some Locked Items&quot;,&quot;find&quot;:&quot;Find...&quot;,&quot;found&quot;:&quot;Found&quot;,&quot;glbl_search&quot;:&quot;Global Search&quot;,&quot;glbl_search_avail&quot;:&quot;Global Search Is Now Available.&quot;,&quot;go_to_folder&quot;:&quot;Go To Folder !&quot;,&quot;move_success&quot;:&quot;Successfully Moved&quot;,&quot;new_uploads_notif&quot;:&quot;New Items Were Uploaded&quot;,&quot;no_val&quot;:&quot;Maybe You Should Add Something First !!!&quot;,&quot;nothing_found&quot;:&quot;Nothing Found&quot;,&quot;refresh_notif&quot;:&quot;Press The Refresh Button To View Them&quot;,&quot;rename_success&quot;:&quot;Successfully Renamed&quot;,&quot;save_success&quot;:&quot;Successfully Saved As&quot;,&quot;sep_download&quot;:&quot;Folders Should Be Downloaded Separately&quot;,&quot;stand_by&quot;:&quot;Please Stand By ...&quot;,&quot;to_cp&quot;:&quot;Copy Link To Clipboard&quot;,&quot;upload_success&quot;:&quot;Successfully Uploaded&quot;}" :in-modal="false" :hide-ext="[]" :hide-path="[]" :restrict="{}" :user-id="0" :upload-panel-img-list="[&quot;\/assets\/vendor\/MediaManager\/patterns\/gif\/5b98026bab87a.gif&quot;,&quot;\/assets\/vendor\/MediaManager\/patterns\/still\/nyc-candy.png&quot;]">

    <div class="">

Extra Info "attaching a screen shot would be very helpful"

snimka obrazovky 2019-01-07 o 13 37 40 snimka obrazovky 2019-01-07 o 13 37 47

Installed using laravel new project command, following installation guide

node v10.12.0 yarn 1.10.1

Npm run watch goes green (DONE). After visiting /media page js blows up (errors in screenshots).

Tried on multiple browsers same result. You should be able to confirm this behaviour running laravel new whatever cmd. and implementing package as mentioned in installation guide.

Thank you.

Wondering maybe this problem can be related to new laravel-mix version and webpack 4. laravel mix

ctf0 commented 5 years ago

this is definitely related to the new laravel-mix v4, still will 2xcheck to make sure

ref: https://laravel-mix.com/docs/4.0/upgrade#notes

manuweg commented 5 years ago

Same problem. Any workaround suggestion?

ctf0 commented 5 years ago

sorry for the long delay but am super busy with my day job, will try to get this fixed as soon as possible

doitonlinemedia commented 5 years ago


Found a workaround. Install version 3 of laravel-mix.

npm remove laravel-mix

npm install laravel-mix@3.0.0

charitablehumans commented 5 years ago

Any estimate on when this will be fixed to work laravel-mix 4?

ctf0 commented 5 years ago

i've made some changes according to the l-m upgrade notes but i couldn't test it yet as my mac just died on me,

so can anyone try with the updated demo copy and reply back with their findings ?

charitablehumans commented 5 years ago

i've made some changes according to the l-m upgrade notes but i couldn't test it yet as my mac just died on me,

so can anyone try with the updated demo copy and reply back with their findings ?

It's not working for me, but I'm not sure if I downloaded the demo version or not, I just followed the instructions listed on the page you linked to, installing through composer.

ctf0 commented 5 years ago

@charitablehumans my bad, i linked the wrong repo, here is the correct one