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Misinformation scoreboard on GoogleCTF2023 #320

Open lephuduc opened 1 year ago

lephuduc commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm Jinn, last weekend I played on GoogleCTF with my team The Council of Sheep (https://ctftime.org/team/221828), but we changed the team name to nopnop in order to avoid attentions from our competitors at the local University, but unluckity, we forgot to set the alias on github before and turns out there had been a team which used our changed name on GoogleCTF, seems like that is a dead team for a long team, could you handle this for me, rename the nopnop and put back the rating score to our team, The Council of Sheep, if you need any prove or evidence I will be happy to provide, thank you.

kyprizel commented 12 months ago

Please, create merge request

lephuduc commented 11 months ago

But the problem is I'm not in nopnop, so I'm unable to create merge request. I created team membership request instead. If someone in already in the team here, pls let me join image image image